061 - A Comic Book Character Design Chat!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

How important is the design and visual look of you characters? In a word... VERY. The ACP gang take some time to discuss the importance of character design, the iconic looks, their favourite takes on classic characters and get some opinions from listeners too. Its part chat, part rant and they only skim the tip of the iceberg. There's also some more brilliant indie comics you need to check out, an update on #Millarwatch turns into a chat all about Mark Millar's work, everyone gives their jewels a name and everyone gets confused by the timey wimpy nature of the recording. PLUS Dan gives some important comixology advice, Vince actually reveals some knowledge about Superman and Tony does another impression of one of his co-hosts.

Mentioned in this episode are: Signal, Paul Duffield, Nemesis, Mark Millar, Steve McNiven, Treves: A Restless Night, Tom Ward, Luke Parker, Michael Phoenix, Gods of Men Kickstarter, Valiant, Wrath of the Eternal Warrior, 100 Times, The Damned, Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurtt

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Check out our good friends at  A Place to Hang Your CapePipedream ComicsDown the Tubes

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com


060 - Sara Dunkerton and Mulp!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Sara Dunkerton, artist of Mulp: Sceptre of the Sun joins Vince and Tony to talk about the anthropomorphic adventure series, her influences and con experiences, the difference in anthropamorphic styles and so much more. With Dan Butcher being away this week, the trio step up and talk about all kinds of subjects, from television adaptions, what animal would make the best doctor, the latest news in #Millarwatch; plus Sara casts the hosts as animals, Vince pronounces a name wrong and Tony asks important questions from the start.

Mentioned in this episode are: Sara DunkertonMatt GibbsMULPImproper BooksHildaNo Brow PressSpace CaptainChris BaldieWilds End: First LightI N J Culbard, 100 Times, Katie FlemingBlacksadBeasts of BurdenMouse Guard

Get some publicity for your comic and take part in the Small Press Factor 2016

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Check out our good friends at  A Place to Hang Your CapePipedream ComicsDown the Tubes

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com


059 - SJ McCune and Monologue!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Stuart John McCune, creator of titles like City War, Delta and recently released Monologue joins the podcast crew to talk about his unique book, his art process and more. Theres talk of good times at small events, avoiding movie reviews, the three amigos get recommended books they might like and theres segways firing off in all directions. Theres also some brilliant books that demand your attention, Golden Girls trivia, everyone picks a character or series that they would like to reboot and #Millarwatch begins. Plus Vince gets ripped into over his pitch question, Dan begins speeding up his outré and Tony tells us where he washes.

Mentioned in this episode are: SJ McCuneMonologueMilicent Barnes ComicsOfflifeMorning GloriesNick SpencerSleep TightAnthea WestMurder by Remote Control, Steven Ingram, LeftBlurred Lines ComicsHino HideshiBloodshot Deluxe HCTerror Assaulter

Get some publicity for your comic and take part in the Small Press Factor 2016

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Check out our good friends at  A Place to Hang Your CapePipedream ComicsDown the Tubes

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com

Let us know what you think!


Bristol Comic Expo 2016 Special!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

The Awesome Comics Podcast stormed the gates of Bristol Comic Expo as it made its triumphant return, and when not making a spectacle of themselves they managed to get some interviews with a whole heap of great independent creators! Emily Owen also stepped up to help out once again and bagged an interview of her own! There's talk of kick-starters, editing anthologies, paying artists for their work, scrumpy cider, Nandos and the convention itself!

It's a great show and a hint of the great things to come for this convention. Check it out now!

Mentioned in this episode are: Bristol Comics Expo  Sam WebsterUnfamiliar SkiesGrainne McEnteeBubbles O'SevenBounce ComicsHellbound Media, Brett UrenTorsobearOwen WattsPsychedelic Journal of Time TravelEmily OwenDani AbramsRazarhawk, Worry WartJon ScrivensLittle TerrorsFaye SimmsThe FoldingsDavid BroughtonShaman Kane

The awesome music is from Henry Jackman's amazing score for X-Men First Class, which you can get HERE

Let us know what you think!


058 - Jamie Smart and Moose Kid Comics!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

This week Jamie Smart, a pod favourite creator and the man behind Moose Kid Comics joins the gang to talk about how the yearly free-for-everyone kids comic came to be, what it was like editing so many amazing creators, the world of kids comic publishing, his angry comic creating phase and so much more! The conversation dances in all directions as convention stories are told, gallows humour in kids comics are discussed and artists talk the adventures of Periscoping your work. Also theres some Bristol Comics Expo talk, dirty artist Chat Roulette, Vince steps up his segway game, Tony talks about pranks he's played on his workmates and Dan IS the block.

Don't miss it!

Mentioned in this episode are: Jamie SmartFumbooMoose Kid ComicsBunny vs MonkeyCorporate SkullThe PhoenixThe DandyReadathonShit FlingersMalevolenceHugo BoylanJohn QuigleyKerrie SmithSleigherAction Lab ComicsThe DivineFirst Second BooksWorkKev BrettPaul RaineyTales to DiminishStory Studio PodcastJeff Steinberg: Champion of EarthOni Press, Joshua Hale FialkovTony FleecsLost Tales

Get some publicity for your comic and take part in the Small Press Factor 2016

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Check out our good friends at  A Place to Hang Your CapePipedream ComicsDown the Tubes

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com

Let us know what you think!


057 - K. Michael Russell & Learn Comic Color.com!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

This week the gang are joined by K. Michael Russell, a comic colouring professional who not only is working on some exciting upcoming books from Image, but he also offers courses to those who want to know more about the art form of colouring comic books. It's a fascinating insight into a side of comics not enough people know about, and the group discuss the importance of using flatters, how story should always come first, the colours of Dredd, how publishers choose colouring teams and much more. Theres also talk of Doll Man, Jack Palance, lots of great upcoming events and comics, Dan brings the mood up after a sombre remembrance moment, Vince attempts more smooth segways and Tony talks about a book he's wanted to talk about it for AGES!

Mentioned in this episode are: K Michael RussellLearn Comic Color CoursesKMRs YouTube videosPostalGlitterbombJim ZubAtlas ComicsPolice Action featuring Lomax NYPDNessChris WelshRobert CareyJulie Nick's Pulp StoriesJulie NickRevelationsHorrereMadius ComicsAdam and Gils Trivia GameAdam J SmithGill HatcherNight of 1000 WolvesDave Wachter 

Get some publicity for your comic and take part in the Small Press Factor 2016

Find out more about it HERE and enter HERE

Check out our good friends at  A Place to Hang Your CapePipedream ComicsDown the Tubes

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com

Let us know what you think!