313 - Going underground with the Peeper Creeper! (w / Patrick Sparrow)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

It's time for the ACP to go underground again, and this time they are joined by the creator the Peeper Creeper, Patrick Sparrow (Zombra, Dirt Baby and Bone Cat). Together they talk about creating dark humour with no boundaries, making comics in Canada, the art of memes and more. Theres also great indie books to check out, this time all with a perfectly timed edge to them.

Great stuff to check out this week - Patrick Sparrow, Tales of the Peeper Creeper, Jen Woodall, Jasper Jubaville, Hoards of Surrey, Vinyl, Atomic Hercules: Weapon of Mass Destruction, Bloom #2, Cutthroat: Tradesman Special Edition 

Click here to buy comics from the creators of the Awesome Comics Podcast!

Let us know what you think! Email: awesomecomicspod@gmail.com 
Join the discussion today at our facebook group Awesome Comics Talk

Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com


312 - Publishing Cast Iron Books! (w / Lizzie Kaye and Lyndon White)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

This week the gang are joined by Cast Iron Books, a great indie publisher with a line up of wonderful books, to talk about the indie comic publishing market, crowdfunding, collaboration with creators and much more. Not only that, Lyndon White (Candles) rejoins the podcast to talk about publishers from his side of the drawing table! Not only that, but there is also plenty of great comics chat, books to add to your wish list and also plenty of laughs along the way!

Great stuff to check out this week - Cast Iron Books, Candles, Candles KS, Future, The Plague and Dr Caim, Lyndon White, Usagi Yojimbo: 35 Years of Covers, The Wrong Earth, Ahoy! Comics, Rufus MarigoldRoss Murray

Click here to buy comics from the creators of the Awesome Comics Podcast!

Let us know what you think! Email: awesomecomicspod@gmail.com 
Join the discussion today at our facebook group Awesome Comics Talk

Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com


311 - Comics Are Ok! (w / Danielle Tute)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

This week the ACP talk about the other side of the comic shop experience, and to do so are joined by Danielle Tute from the mighty OK Comics in Leeds! Theres talk about web stores, recommendations to customers, pull lists and so much more. Plus there's lots of great books to check out and add to your wish lists!

Great stuff to check out this week - OK Comics, Danielle Tute, Monsters, Barry Windsor Smith, Celery Stalks, Pat Rooks, Home Sick Pilots, Etherington Brothers, Edison Neo, No Brainer, The Nice House on the Lake, Lonely Receiver

Click here to buy comics from the creators of the Awesome Comics Podcast!

Let us know what you think! Email: awesomecomicspod@gmail.com 
Join the discussion today at our facebook group Awesome Comics Talk

Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com


310 - Creating Comics in Lockdown! (w / ArtNineTwo)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

This week a host is off sick, but the rest of the gang are backed up by the awesome Damien and H from ArtNineTwo studios to talk about creating comics and art amidst lockdown. Theres also fantastic recommendations, brilliant and insightful chat as well as plenty of laughs and NSFW banter!

Great stuff to check out this week - ArtNineTwo, Silver Coin, Image Comics, Chris Sprouse, Moonpuke, Gareth Hopkins, Vacuum Decay

Click here to buy comics from the creators of the Awesome Comics Podcast!

Let us know what you think! Email: awesomecomicspod@gmail.com 
Join the discussion today at our facebook group Awesome Comics Talk

Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com