317 - Weird Energy 2: This Chucklehead Returns! (w / Tom Curry)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

This week Tom Curry (Skellibob) returns to throw some interesting topics at the ACP gang, discuss great work to check out and also brings back the segment 'Reach for the Stars!'. Its a fun tour de force of comics loving energy full of comic talk, laughs and great indie books to check out!

Great stuff to check out this week - Tom Curry, Chainsaw Man, Shonen Jump, Blue and Gold, TMNT: The Ultimate Collection, Dreadstar Returns, Plan B Comics, Hardcore Bazooka Allstars, Final Girl

Click here to buy comics from the creators of the Awesome Comics Podcast!

Let us know what you think! Email: awesomecomicspod@gmail.com 
Join the discussion today at our facebook group Awesome Comics Talk

Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com


316 - Comics, Crowdfunding, Conventions and Piracy!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

The weather is hotting up, and so is the comics talk as the ACP discuss some hot topics such as crowdfunding issues, getting paid for comics and the problem of piracy. Theres also great indie kickstarters to check out and brilliant comics to add to your wishlists!

Great stuff to check out this week - Sandcastle, Loppu!, Strontium Dog, Back Issue Magazine, 2Morrows Publishing, Earthworks KS, Catfood Comics KS, Beast Hunting Battle Badgers, New York City Gallows, Megacity Book Club, Meanwhile in Coventry, Thought Bubble Festival

Click here to buy comics from the creators of the Awesome Comics Podcast!

Let us know what you think! Email: awesomecomicspod@gmail.com 
Join the discussion today at our facebook group Awesome Comics Talk

Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com


315 - Comic Writing Process and the world of Black Beth! (w / Alec Worley)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

There’s comic talk, process, writing and a whole lot of laughs this week as the gang talk to Alec Worley (Black Beth, Realm of the Damned) about the resurrection of the Black Beth comic character, comic writing, collaboration, Viz, high fantasy and so much more! Its a wonderful insight into the world of comics, and there's also plenty of books to check out and add to your wishlists too!

Great stuff to check out this week - Alec Worley, Black Beth, Hibernia Books, Realm of the Damned, Catfood Comics Compendium KS, Mega City Book Club Podcast, Sam Brett, Stuart Mulrain, Fight Girls, Frank Cho, Mangoat and the Bunnyman, I Am a Hero, Kengo Hanazou

Click here to buy comics from the creators of the Awesome Comics Podcast!

Let us know what you think! Email: awesomecomicspod@gmail.com 
Join the discussion today at our facebook group Awesome Comics Talk

Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com


314 - Meanwhile... Comic Events are Back! (w / Simon Myers)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Comic Events are almost back with us (after too long) and the ACP sat down with Simon Myers, one of the brain trust behind one of the first proper 'comics' events to kick things off again - Meanwhile... in Coventry! They talk about what to expect at the event, drink and draws, inspiring creativity, pens and more! Theres also chat about comic book sales numbers and some amazing books you should be checking out too!

Great stuff to check out this week - Meanwhile... in Coventry, Meanwhile, Simon Myers, No Brainer, Edison Neo, Barbaric #1, Vault Comics, JLA: The Nail, Kane and Able, Shaky Kane, Krent Able

Click here to buy comics from the creators of the Awesome Comics Podcast!

Let us know what you think! Email: awesomecomicspod@gmail.com 
Join the discussion today at our facebook group Awesome Comics Talk

Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com