060 - Sara Dunkerton and Mulp!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Sara Dunkerton, artist of Mulp: Sceptre of the Sun joins Vince and Tony to talk about the anthropomorphic adventure series, her influences and con experiences, the difference in anthropamorphic styles and so much more. With Dan Butcher being away this week, the trio step up and talk about all kinds of subjects, from television adaptions, what animal would make the best doctor, the latest news in #Millarwatch; plus Sara casts the hosts as animals, Vince pronounces a name wrong and Tony asks important questions from the start.

Mentioned in this episode are: Sara DunkertonMatt GibbsMULPImproper BooksHildaNo Brow PressSpace CaptainChris BaldieWilds End: First LightI N J Culbard, 100 Times, Katie FlemingBlacksadBeasts of BurdenMouse Guard

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