061 - A Comic Book Character Design Chat!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

How important is the design and visual look of you characters? In a word... VERY. The ACP gang take some time to discuss the importance of character design, the iconic looks, their favourite takes on classic characters and get some opinions from listeners too. Its part chat, part rant and they only skim the tip of the iceberg. There's also some more brilliant indie comics you need to check out, an update on #Millarwatch turns into a chat all about Mark Millar's work, everyone gives their jewels a name and everyone gets confused by the timey wimpy nature of the recording. PLUS Dan gives some important comixology advice, Vince actually reveals some knowledge about Superman and Tony does another impression of one of his co-hosts.

Mentioned in this episode are: Signal, Paul Duffield, Nemesis, Mark Millar, Steve McNiven, Treves: A Restless Night, Tom Ward, Luke Parker, Michael Phoenix, Gods of Men Kickstarter, Valiant, Wrath of the Eternal Warrior, 100 Times, The Damned, Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurtt

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