091 - Comics and Convention Talk!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

After a great convention weekend the Awesome Pod crew get together to shoot the breeze and talk some comics. With no guest this week the conversation goes far and wide, with talk of Leamington Comic Con 2017, Justice League, Webcomics, some amazing books are recommended and there is another round of the agony aunt segment 'Ask Aunty Tony'. Not only that, but theres a cracking bunch of interviews from the shop floor of LCC to check out.

Great stuff to check out this week: Sword Master, Europe Comics, X-O Manowar, Cosmos, Rozi Hathway, Paul Rainey, Darrel Thorpe, Good Comics, Jon Laight, Rudra Purkayastha, Spiderforest comics, Tonys blog

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com

Let us know what you think!


058 - Jamie Smart and Moose Kid Comics!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

This week Jamie Smart, a pod favourite creator and the man behind Moose Kid Comics joins the gang to talk about how the yearly free-for-everyone kids comic came to be, what it was like editing so many amazing creators, the world of kids comic publishing, his angry comic creating phase and so much more! The conversation dances in all directions as convention stories are told, gallows humour in kids comics are discussed and artists talk the adventures of Periscoping your work. Also theres some Bristol Comics Expo talk, dirty artist Chat Roulette, Vince steps up his segway game, Tony talks about pranks he's played on his workmates and Dan IS the block.

Don't miss it!

Mentioned in this episode are: Jamie SmartFumbooMoose Kid ComicsBunny vs MonkeyCorporate SkullThe PhoenixThe DandyReadathonShit FlingersMalevolenceHugo BoylanJohn QuigleyKerrie SmithSleigherAction Lab ComicsThe DivineFirst Second BooksWorkKev BrettPaul RaineyTales to DiminishStory Studio PodcastJeff Steinberg: Champion of EarthOni Press, Joshua Hale FialkovTony FleecsLost Tales

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Check out our good friends at  A Place to Hang Your CapePipedream ComicsDown the Tubes

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com

Let us know what you think!