059 - SJ McCune and Monologue!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Stuart John McCune, creator of titles like City War, Delta and recently released Monologue joins the podcast crew to talk about his unique book, his art process and more. Theres talk of good times at small events, avoiding movie reviews, the three amigos get recommended books they might like and theres segways firing off in all directions. Theres also some brilliant books that demand your attention, Golden Girls trivia, everyone picks a character or series that they would like to reboot and #Millarwatch begins. Plus Vince gets ripped into over his pitch question, Dan begins speeding up his outré and Tony tells us where he washes.

Mentioned in this episode are: SJ McCuneMonologueMilicent Barnes ComicsOfflifeMorning GloriesNick SpencerSleep TightAnthea WestMurder by Remote Control, Steven Ingram, LeftBlurred Lines ComicsHino HideshiBloodshot Deluxe HCTerror Assaulter

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