167 - Peeyobocksintreetsanaolddong

What’s in the box? This week, we take a cautious peek into the CheapShow PO Box and see what’s inside. Luckily there are no severed heads, but there IS a rubber duck, a collection of dusty albums, a selection of European candy, a collection of lesser known gross out cards and, in a shocking twist, our greatest enemy gifts the podcast with something actually kinda awesome! And if it’s your 18th Birthday, he also has a message for you too. Lucky you!
(Yes, we know the episode title is stupid, but there is a reason! Honest!)


158 - A CheapShow Carol

It's only taken 5 years, but the economy comedy podcast is FINALLY doing it's own knock off version of Charles Dickens' yuletide classic "A Christmas Carol". Expect a reasonably troubling and certainly unique interpretation of the source material. Grumpy old Eli gets the Scrooge treatment this year when Paul decides he needs a visit from 3 ghosts. It's definitely not just Paul dressed up in awful costumes. Not at all. Eli is sent whizzing back to the 80s for a retro Christmas morning, hurled into a present day candy store and plays a deathly important game against The Ghost of Christmas Future. His very life is on the line! In fact, Eli's whole reality could be at stake!

Merry Existential Christmas!


078 - Mouth Grumbles

Who is Jimmy Biscuits? Well, whoever he is, Eli is NOT impressed by his appearance. Paul may be TOO impressed. It's a big, fat chunky episode of the world's only (probably) economy comedy podcast.

We have a show packed with Tales from the Shop Floor, Eli's Top Three, Cheap Eats and we even cram in a board game too. If you wanted to know what the best kind of cheap Bombay Mix is, what Iced Tea to wash it down with and what happens when an out of date candy is bitten in to... Well, you have come to the right place.

The Cheap Chaps also get the journalism bug when they play a 1950's board game called "Scoop" which is packed with drama, laughs and the shock of discovering old fashioned racist advertising campaigns! It was a different time. Apparently!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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074 - Mr Biffo & The Automatic Sex-Music Robots

They said it shouldn't happen. They said it could happen... But it has happened! Digitiser2000's Paul Rose, Mr Biffo himself, joins Paul & Eli for part one of a two part CheapShow special!

Although we try to keep it on a retro video games theme, don't expect much video game talk, as there may be many ugly, weird, upsetting and hilarious tangents on the way.

MARVEL at the foul gift Mr Biffo brings!

ROCK OUT with Jasper Carrot's Funky Moped!

THRILL to the idea of Paul's homemade belly candy!

REMEMBER old video games and COMPLAIN how they are not that good!

And if nothing else, just keep reminding yourself: "It's only a podcast, it's only a podcast, it's only a podcast...!"

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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068 - The League of Snacks

The episode that nearly wasn't! But we rescued it! It's been a long time coming, but finally, Paul & Eli begin to put together their long awaited "League of Snacks" has begun to curate it's collection of snacks and crisps for review. It will be the most important thing of all time ever! Where will your favourite snack end up ranked? But before all that, it's the usual CheapShow madness... We have more weird and wonderful Tales from the Shopfloor, Paul challenges Eli to a devious round of The Price of Shite, we cram in an Off Brand/Brand Off and instantly regret buying so much mayonnaise. Finally, Paul opens up the doors to his Froth Shop and treats Eli to a whole host of cheap and cheerful candies... as long as Eli promises to stop creating any more stupid, awful new characters!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

Share & Enjoy. Subscribe or Die! www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow @elisnoid & @ashfrith

If you like what you hear, please spread the word!

Like, Review, Share, Comment... LOVE US!


057 - Spirit Squad

Let's get spooky! It's another Halloween special at CheapShow HQ and you're all invited along for another episode filled with ghosts, games and grumpy old men.

It starts out typically rocky, as Paul & Eli have a very early blow out over Eli's silly voices, but things become a little more steady as the cheap chaps play a ghoulish edition of "The Price of Shite 2.0". Later, we play "Trick or Treat" as we mix Halloween candy with scary musical choices from Silverman's Platter. Paul also gets to show off his knowledge of the supernatural by listening to some truly spooky EVPs and plays a few audio anomalies of his own! Finally, CheapShow delivers something truly novel... A scripted horror comedy adventure! Ever wanted to know what it would be like if Eli and Paul were proper Ghostbusters? Well, you can now find out with their special audio play "Spirit Squad"

It's a bumper spooky CheapShow... Enjoy it. If You Dare!!!

With thanks to Ash Frith, Paul Rose (Mr Biffo) & Richard Wentworth (From The Hadron Gospel Hour podcast)!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

Share & Enjoy. Subscribe or Die! www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid and our special guests @HadronGospel @ashfrith @mrbiffo

If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... LOVE US!


047 - Paul Gannon's FrothShop

Important Note: In this episode we accidentally give out some actual proper advice! We apologise wholeheartedly and promise never to knowingly do it again!

With that out of the way, why not enjoy another hour of cheap tat, cheap tunes and cheap laughs. In this episode, Eli rummages through more of his weird and wonderful vinyl... Paul tries and fails to create a new exciting feature for Cinefiles... Gannon also looks into a collection of off brand candy AS WELL as knockoff BeanBoozled jelly beans called Double Dares! One particular flavour will send shock waves through one of the hosts, but who will it be and what flavour? Finally, Paul & Eli discover two annoying new sounds that aim to show their smug appreciation of a thought! Welcome to the FrothShop!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

Share & Enjoy. Subscribe or Die!

You can see pictures and accompanying videos for this episode on our website www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... all that jazz!


015 - The Star Wars Cynical Tie In Special

In our 15th episode, we belated jump on the Star Wars bandwagon by talking about the cheap B Movie rip offs, taste a selection of barely edible Star Wars candy, talk to Ash Frith about who Shakespeare bequeathed his 2nd best bed to, and play one of our weirder editions of the Price of Shite! Along the way we discover Eli auditioned for Stomp with Jar Jar Binks, hear Paul take on the character of a wiggly worm and try to offend their listeners in order to get a response! 

Visit our lovely website for the pics and vids that accompany this video http://www.thecheapshow.co.uk/#!episodes/b7us3


007 - Justin Panks' Winking Dog's Eye

In episode 7 on the good ship CheapShow, the boys go back to basics with a lean, mean, keen show.

Paul tries to get the interest in local businesses for sponsorship and can only find Carl's Burger and Jason's Doner-Van.

Eli explains once again about how special his education was and how wasted on him it was.

Justin Panks is made to choose between a milky nightmare and a Freudian one!

The Price of Shite takes in 3 items of unusual quality - a book, a decision maker and a dodgy copy of 1970s comedians.

And in Cheap Eats, the boys go back to the Japanese well to look at a selection of fishy food and green tea candy made by a seemingly universally hated confectionary company.

Once again, it seems what started as a simple show soon devolves into the usual collection of slurs and empty threats!

"That's CheapShow!"


006 - Eggsy's Trick Or Treat

Special Guests: Eggsy (from Goldie Lookin Chain)and Ash Frith.

It's time again for CheapShow to wander blindly into the world of the supernatural and pray they escape with their lives with a horror special!

This week, the boys overuse the spooky sound effects and ghostly music to bring you a show jam-packed with Halloween Goodness...

HOWL in despair as Paul rolls off more of his purifying puns!

SCREAM as Eli tells a tale of vampire seductresses!

GROAN with anguish with Ash Frith's tall tales of terror.

SHRIEK as our special guest, Eggsy (from that Welsh rap band you like) has to referee the world's whitest rap battle about Les Dennis.

GASP with surprise as The Hadron Gospel Hour podcast interrupts the show to save all the universes!

WHISPER in fear as Eli creates his own monster using Paul's face and £5 of horror make up.

WAIL with fear as Eli gets possessed by the spirit of another long dead 80's comedian.

CRY for your sins as all the lads chow down on a disgusting selection of "Trick R Treat" candy.

And SQUEAL until you pass out as Eli's Top 3 Horror Movies discussion comes to another verbally violent conclusion!

So turn out the lights, draw a candle close and pray that listening to our Halloween special is the only thing keeping you alive for one more night...


005 - Rob Deb Sucks Sour Candies

Episode Five with Special Guest, Rob Deb.

In this month's money saving episode...

Paul sprays energy drink out of his nose.

Eli complains about idiot requests as a DJ.

Ash delivers a long list of moronic money saving tips.

Rob Deb vies for Old Comedian of the Year.

The Price of Shite game may contain peppers.

...And the chaps all decide to see who can suck the most sour candy of them all!

It's another joyous, anarchic podcast celebrating the very best of the very worst!


004 - Stuart Ashens Eats Sponch

With Special Guest: Ashens!

It was destined to be. CheapShow vs. Ashens!

In our fabulous 4th episode, Paul and Eli put their guest through the following trails...

Paul decides to update board games to make them edgier.

Eli tells a tall tale about his sudden interest in Marine biology... and time travel.

Ashen is put through yet another bloody awful interview, tackling such topics as darkest thoughts, taxidermy ducks and dirty old hot dogs.

Paul plays a game with Eli and Ashens that involves the world's deadliest toys.

Find out what E.T's finger and a Dora the Explorer Aqua Pet have in common.

Ashens and Paul find out a bit too much about Eli's hatred of the song "Old MacDonald Has A Farm".

Ashens turns the tables and forces Eli and Paul to taste his own choice of terrible Candy.

Eli brings "Sponch" into the world.

Find out who is "A Poet of The Stupid".

And finally bear witness to another of Eli's apocalyptic Top 3 discussions. This week, we tackle TOP 3 TOYS!

...and find out why, as a child, Paul's fingers smelled like they have been stuck up his bum...