039 - The House of Pickles 3

It's another mini episode, fuelled by YOU! This is a semi-special House of Pickles as 50% of it is coming from America. Eli Silverman is living the dream in Florida and Paul decides to check in to find out just how badly Eli reacted to a gummy bear dipped in drugs.

#AskSilverman returns and the Cheap Chaps answer your carefully (and not so carefully) considered questions... Covering anything from Noodles to noodles, music and photography... and more bloody noodles!

We also announce our forthcoming live show. www.thecheapshow.co.uk for more details!

Share & Enjoy. Subscribe or Die!

f you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... all that jazz!

WARNING *Show contains strong language and adult material

038 - PICK ME UP

038 - Pick Me Up

It's a slightly longer episode than usual, but Paul & Eli have so much to cram into this latest episode of CheapShow!

In a bumper edition of your favourite economy comedy podcast we tackle Eli's lack of hair and beard, Paul has some pretty dark thoughts and more Noodle talk is had! In Cheap Eats, things get gross with some Japanese delights, one of which could've killed Paul and we put name brands and off brand biscuits head to head to see which is best. Finally, Paul & Eli go looking for money saving tips, life advice and depressing gossip in one of those dirt cheap lifestyle magazines you see in Supermarkets. It's extra chunky!

Share & Enjoy. Subscribe or Die!

You can see pictures and accompanying videos for this episode on our website www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... all that jazz!

WARNING *Show contains strong language and adult material


037 - The House Of Pickles 2

With Special Guest Ash Frith

It's time for another brief and bouncy CheapShow mini episode as we once again head into the House of Pickles for a chat with Paul & Eli.

In this episode, we take reader's questions and find out that Eli doesn't take to bad grammar very well. Also, we find out what Eli's angriest moment is, what a tramp did on Paul's bus journey to work, discover Ash is too British NOT to take home a food order that isn't his own and reel in horror as Eli describes his ideal planet.

If you want us to answer any queries in later HoP episodes, email thecheapshow@gmail.com or tweet us @thecheapshowpod with the hashtag #AskSilverman

Share & Enjoy. Subscribe or Die!

You can see pictures and accompanying videos for this episode on our website www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow, @elisnoid @ashfrith

If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... all that jazz!

WARNING *Show contains strong language and adult material


036 - The Car Boot Challenge Special

The CheapShow chaps have escaped! Instead of being cooped up in a recordng studio, Eli and Paul are now loose in London, on a quest to find the best bargains at a Car Boot sale with only £5!

Along the way we discover where Eli was once mugged, how indecisive Paul is, just how weak Eli is when confronted with a table full of vinyl and contemplate the meaning of their own existance. Who will win this battle of the bargains bins? With only 30 minutes on the clock, who will find the best bric-a-brac and who will suffer a humiliating defeat? Find out in this very special edition of CheapShow, on location!

Share & Enjoy. Subscribe or Die!

You can see pictures and accompanying videos for this episode on our website www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... all that jazz!

WARNING *Show contains strong language and adult material


035 - Live From The House of Pickles 01

Welcome to the House of Pickles! Paul and Eli introduce a new series of "mini episodes" to help tide you over until you get the full fat editions. The cheap chaps talk about anything and everything, not necessarily based on their usual themes.

In this first HoP, Paul & Eli are inspired by the legend of "Action Park" to talk about what a theme park based on their lives would be like, Paul talks about his varied accidents as a child and Eli is excited to find a vinyl record featuring a singing dragon.

If you have any topics you would like us to cover in future HoP's email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

Share & Enjoy. Subscribe or Die!


And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... all that jazz!

WARNING *Show contains strong language and adult material


034 - Mr Biscuits

Who is Mr Biscuits and how could he help you save money? Frankly, no one really knows, especially Paul & Eli in yet another ruddy fun CheapShow.

In episode 34 CheapShow tackles bad accents. Again. There is another frustratingly familiar "Tales from the Dancefloor" story, Eli excitedly takes on an all new type of Noodle flavour, Gannon's Google Assistant confuses Paul Daniels for Vladimir Putin, the boys eats rancid chilli chocolate and, AT LAST, Eli brings in a selection of weird and wonderful vinyl singles, discovered in some of London's best charity shops. Be warned: One is straight up creepy.

Share & Enjoy. Subscribe or Die!

You can see pictures and accompanying videos for this episode on our website www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... all that jazz!

WARNING *Show contains strong language and adult material


033 - Eli Silverman's Fan Club

Paul & Eli take refuge in Paul's Cambridge abode to deliver another economy comedy podcast In this episode, Paul delights in discovering more about Eli's new fan club. However, Eli is less impressed. We reply to your #AskSilverman questions.

The chaps search through a "Betterware" catalogue to hopefully find gold, but come up with piss and in The Price is Shite, things get heated when Paul & Eli play a bit of Donkey Derby.

Share & Enjoy. Subscribe or Die!

You can see pictures and accompanying videos for this episode on our website www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... all that jazz!

WARNING *Show contains strong language and adult material


031 - Rerecord Not Fade Away

CheapShow returns to your ears in another podcast full of Paul & Eli goodness! Recording this episode was a ruddy nightmare, so you better like it! In episode 31, discover how Eli upset the Furry Brigade on YouTube, hear him also answer your rubbish and frustrating questions, Paul delivers his refreshingly poor Price of Shite and they both consider taking a bath in hot, beefy Noodle bath salts... If only they could read Japanese!

Share & Enjoy. Subscribe or Die!

You can see pictures and accompanying videos for this episode on our website www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

If you like what you hear, please spread the word!

Like, Review, Share, Comment... all that jazz!

WARNING *Show contains strong language and adult material


030 - MCM Comic Con 3: The Ashes

Special Guests: Stuart Ashen & Ash Frith

It's another LIVE edition of Cheapshow, on the Vidfest stage at October's MCM Comic Con 2016.

Be afraid! Eli and Paul are joined by part time co-host Ash Frith and YouTube botherer Stuart Ashens for a show that sees Eli mistakenly think it's cool to drop an Ace of Base reference and announces a life hack for Monopoly.

Meanwhile, Paul finds most people think a "Straddlebob" is a racist word, pits "plebs" against "celebs" for a very special Price of Shite and, once again, threatens his co-host with physical violence! 


028 - The Grotty Life of John Meggot

We're Back!

After a brief hiatus, Paul & Eli are back for more cheap tips, cheap tat and cheap laughs.

The economy comedy podcast has returned and its bigger and better than ever... actually, its exactly the same.

In this particularly grotty episode, Eli advises, not only where to buy and find weird and wonderful vinyl, but also how to get rid of a fat bloated corpse.

We catch up with what the chaps have been up to during their time off (Paul: Lots, Eli: Nothing).

We get into some old school Price of Shite goodness and we cap the show off with a "Dollop-esque" investigation of Britain's most horrible, dirty old man: John Meggot/Elwes Ahh, Cheapshow. Trashy as ever!

We would like to once again thank Page Branson for our awesome new logo and Brian Wecht for the trippy & fantastic new theme music. Give them your love @bwecht @page_branson


027 - Con Men & Niffy Winkies

The Con is On with another episode of CheapShow !

Paul & Eli are joined by guest Damien St John who is thrown head first into the wild world of CheapShow as the cheap chaps tackle cheats, scams, hustles and cons in a bid to get rich with as little effort as possible!

Discover how Eli's career was ruined with tepid piss. Find out how to flog The Eiffel Tower. Learn how to outwit some of the more common rip off scams you may come across in your day to day existence and listen in embarrassment as Paul turns magician/grifter all on a budget of £2! It's more economy comedy podcast larks.. You have been warned!


026 - Scrapbook of Crap 2: Electric Noodle Doo

It's another Scrapbook of Crap... And this time it's personal!

After Eli took the internet by storm with his very strong opinions about Instant Noodles, it seems only fair he uses the podcast as a platform to answer his fans from the Barshens channel YouTube comments. He is taking over the world. We are very sorry.

Paul & Eli also discover just how well (or not) they know each other when they take a "Mr & Mrs" style quiz, one that reveals a little "too" much!

Finally, as its another scrapbook show, we release from the vaults two clips once deemed too crap to use, but now seem fair game. Why, you ask? Well because we would've had a full episode had Eli turned up to the sodding recording. Thanks to Skype, we get something just as good. Almost. Kinda. Whatever. Enjoy!


025 - Attack Of The Life Hacks!

You ask Eli to do ONE thing! Create an original segment for the show and he shows up with piss poor life hacks. Paul is not impressed. Don't worry though. Paul cocks up too and forgets to record cheap eats. Paul fixes it, but via dodgy re-record!

In this section the cheap chaps have a right old moan about the state of modern crisps! SHOCK HORROR!!!

Finally, Eli falls in love with a You Tube celebrity and its a match made in heaven. Listen to their love affair begin!

It's another random episode of the economy comedy podcast!


024 - Look-In Magazines Rool OK

Do you remember Look-In? The old 80s magazine for teens about TV, movies, music and comic strips? No? God we're old? Well, if you do, you are in for a treat as Paul & Eli find a stash of Look-Ins and decide to look into the history of the weekly magazine and fall head first into a nostalgic hellscape that includes Madness, 5 Star, Worzel Gummidge, Spagna, The Krankies and, god help us, Little & Large.

At some point... Paul MAY have a massive rant about shitcom "Bread" by Carla Lane. You have been warned!

We also have all the usual bits with more Tales from the Dancefloor and The Price of Shite... But we discover that Eli has a fanbase thanks to his appearances on the YouTube channel "Barshens" and the comments are... well.. troubling!

Its more cheap topics and cheap laughs in another CheapShow podcast!


023 - MCM Comic Con 2 The Revenge

Cheapshow returns to MCM Comic Con for another live show... and this time, it's personal!

Paul & Eli are joined in the flesh by Ash Frith as well as a super awesome live audience. In this 45 min live spectacular, we find out what the audience would choose as a super power, discover that Eli has very little tolerance for audience participation, rummage through a charity shop to find Fast Food Transformers as well as a Look-In annual and play a shoddy round of 80s TV show "Blockbusters" In the process, we are joined by a super taster, some kind of Pokemon and the smoothest sounding Riddler in the whole world. ...and yeah... the sound could be better.. but Hey "That's CheapShow"!

With thanks for MCM Comic Con, Videfest and the fantastic audience who joined in the fun!


022 - Don't Get Mad

They say you should never go back... They say never try to repeat yourself... They say never look back... They didn't listen. 

In this episode of CheapShow, Paul and Eli crack open the "Don't Get Mad" anger management role play game and try to calmly resolve a load of fictional stressful circumstances. It gets dark pretty quick!

Before you get to that nightmare of a finale, the cheap chaps look into the weird ways businesses save money, pathetically try to craft font based gags and are sent a bunch of American Junk Food that they may like a little TOO much! All this and much much less on the economy comedy podcast you deserve! 

(With thanks to Allison Guinn and Jenny Silverman for the donations this episode) 


021 - The Berenstain Bears Conspiracy

Welcome to CheapShow! 

Well... What should've been a short and sweet little feature on just how much your old 80s & 90s toys could be worth quickly turns into a messy tangential omni-shambles.  

Eli and Paul end up talking less about the toys and more about which rock bands became crappy ballad merchants, cheesy crisps and whether we are all living in a alternate dimension simply because people can't figure out if some bears are called Berenstain or Berenstein! It's a nightmare! But don't worry, the CheapShow chaps also play a round of "The Price of Shite" & regale us all with another "Tales from the Dancefloor".

It's another episode of the random pop culture economy comedy podcast! 


020 - The Play Your Blankety Cards Right Game Show

Paul & Eli bring their love of Game Shows and Light Entertainment to it's natural conclusion in this very special nostalgic battle royale. There can be only one winner and losing any rounds will carry horrific consequences! 

In our 20th episode spectacular the CheapShow Chaps take on 3 of UK TV's most popular 80's Game Shows. They try to read each other's minds playing Blankety Blank, guess what 100 people thought in Play Your Cards Right and use their bargain hunting skills in a few rounds of The Price of Right. To the winner, the spoils. To the loser, its a gamble on the infamous Jelly Belly Beanboozled candy. A fate worse than death! 

There is also time for some more Cheap Eats from the USA and a few "commercial breaks" too! 

The Economy Comedy Podcast goes all out on giving you a blast from the past! 


019 - Mr Blobby Vs America

It's the return of the CheapShow Chaps with more opinions on the cheap and cheerful as well as the budget and brilliant!

This week, Eli and Paul talk about all things America as Eli has just returned from a trip to the good old U S of A!

Eli and Paul tackle Trump, come up with a piss poor revolutionary uprising strategy and look into the murky world of countrfeit dollar bills!

The Cheap Eats selection is taken from some of the finest gas stations, drug stores and Dollar Trees America has to offer. Paul is NOT impressed.

Ash Frith gives us a little insight into the Hollywood MockBuster explosion, covering everything from Transmorphers to RoboPoliceMan.

Finally, we end on the tragic tale of Mr Blobby, his awful music, his American renaissance and go down the "Awful Novelty Hit Single" rabbit hole... You have been warned!