158 - A CheapShow Carol

It's only taken 5 years, but the economy comedy podcast is FINALLY doing it's own knock off version of Charles Dickens' yuletide classic "A Christmas Carol". Expect a reasonably troubling and certainly unique interpretation of the source material. Grumpy old Eli gets the Scrooge treatment this year when Paul decides he needs a visit from 3 ghosts. It's definitely not just Paul dressed up in awful costumes. Not at all. Eli is sent whizzing back to the 80s for a retro Christmas morning, hurled into a present day candy store and plays a deathly important game against The Ghost of Christmas Future. His very life is on the line! In fact, Eli's whole reality could be at stake!

Merry Existential Christmas!


054 - An Acting Masterclass

CheapShow 54 aims its spotlight at the theatrical stage in an episode dedicated to the life and appalling acting talents of 19th century actor Robert Coates. But is Eli a worse actor? You can find out as Paul reads Eli another demented tale of low life larks. It's not just story time on CheapShow, the cheap chaps also present another "Mi Casa, Su Casa" segment which leaves both pretty offended and underwhelmed...

And we jump into another pile of vile vinyl in "Silverman's Platter" that takes in a tour of 80's novelty music, a Cabbage Patch Dolls concept album and the jaunty tunes of one of the UK's most racist 70's comedians. Oh what fun!

CheapShow was recorded at "The Pod" at White City Place.

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024 - Look-In Magazines Rool OK

Do you remember Look-In? The old 80s magazine for teens about TV, movies, music and comic strips? No? God we're old? Well, if you do, you are in for a treat as Paul & Eli find a stash of Look-Ins and decide to look into the history of the weekly magazine and fall head first into a nostalgic hellscape that includes Madness, 5 Star, Worzel Gummidge, Spagna, The Krankies and, god help us, Little & Large.

At some point... Paul MAY have a massive rant about shitcom "Bread" by Carla Lane. You have been warned!

We also have all the usual bits with more Tales from the Dancefloor and The Price of Shite... But we discover that Eli has a fanbase thanks to his appearances on the YouTube channel "Barshens" and the comments are... well.. troubling!

Its more cheap topics and cheap laughs in another CheapShow podcast!


021 - The Berenstain Bears Conspiracy

Welcome to CheapShow! 

Well... What should've been a short and sweet little feature on just how much your old 80s & 90s toys could be worth quickly turns into a messy tangential omni-shambles.  

Eli and Paul end up talking less about the toys and more about which rock bands became crappy ballad merchants, cheesy crisps and whether we are all living in a alternate dimension simply because people can't figure out if some bears are called Berenstain or Berenstein! It's a nightmare! But don't worry, the CheapShow chaps also play a round of "The Price of Shite" & regale us all with another "Tales from the Dancefloor".

It's another episode of the random pop culture economy comedy podcast! 


020 - The Play Your Blankety Cards Right Game Show

Paul & Eli bring their love of Game Shows and Light Entertainment to it's natural conclusion in this very special nostalgic battle royale. There can be only one winner and losing any rounds will carry horrific consequences! 

In our 20th episode spectacular the CheapShow Chaps take on 3 of UK TV's most popular 80's Game Shows. They try to read each other's minds playing Blankety Blank, guess what 100 people thought in Play Your Cards Right and use their bargain hunting skills in a few rounds of The Price of Right. To the winner, the spoils. To the loser, its a gamble on the infamous Jelly Belly Beanboozled candy. A fate worse than death! 

There is also time for some more Cheap Eats from the USA and a few "commercial breaks" too! 

The Economy Comedy Podcast goes all out on giving you a blast from the past! 

016 - 80s FLASHBACK

016 - 80s Flashback

We're going back, unintentionally, to the 1980s!

In this episode of the economy comedy podcast, Paul Gannon and Eli Silverman tackle the charm of living on the cheap...

They finally get around to talking about their new year's celebrations... One's that involve feeling very old and diving out the way of rogue fireworks

The lads search Ebay for the weirdest online bargains - Everything from male chastity belts to vintage Playboy magazine... and discover how they use food during sexy times.

Ash Frith returns to carry on talking about who bequeathed what to whom.

In our regular game "The Price of Shite", its all gets very 80s when Eli pulls out his cassette decks and mix tapes

And finally, in the ultimate act of UK 80's nostalgia, Paul and Eli battle to the death... on a boardgame based on 80s TV hit "Bullseye".

Who will win? Do you really care? Find out in the latest "CheapShow"