108 - Dick-A-Lot Bear

We're back for an episode full of laughs, random tangents, quality tat and a lot of gagging and coughing. Paul has a pretty rough time this week! After a long absence The League of Snacks (and crisps) returns to tackle the mystery of the Doritos. Where will they rank? There is also a overdue return to Silverman's Platter to listen to some unusual charity shop finds. If you care about your childhood, you may want to brace yourself. Finally, Paul and Eli eat some disgusting bug gummies. It's not going to be pleasant!


066 - Bottom Sniffer

Well, this turned out to be a big one! It's the episode that sees us tasting the most disgusting thing ever to pass our lips. It's also the episode where Eli delivers a brand new "Top 3", we find out what horror lurks at the bottom of the "bag of bags", the cheap chaps discover a most unusual flavour of potato crisps, debate whether you can live off food pills stuck up your arse and try out some infamous "high alcohol" cheap lager. Things get very heated in another bout of Board Game play time and we also invent the cruelest place in the world to eat. It's CheapShow: unnecessarily bigger, longer and uncooked!

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021 - The Berenstain Bears Conspiracy

Welcome to CheapShow! 

Well... What should've been a short and sweet little feature on just how much your old 80s & 90s toys could be worth quickly turns into a messy tangential omni-shambles.  

Eli and Paul end up talking less about the toys and more about which rock bands became crappy ballad merchants, cheesy crisps and whether we are all living in a alternate dimension simply because people can't figure out if some bears are called Berenstain or Berenstein! It's a nightmare! But don't worry, the CheapShow chaps also play a round of "The Price of Shite" & regale us all with another "Tales from the Dancefloor".

It's another episode of the random pop culture economy comedy podcast!