172 - CheapShow TV 2020 (Part Two)

Tonight on CheapShow TV:
5pm: Detective Biscuits
Detective Jimmy Biscuits is up to his neck in trouble this week when his Boss demands results and his wife is kidnapped by Mr Big!
6pm: CheapShow TV 2020 Part Two
(Main Feature)
Mr Biffo joins Paul and Eli for an another evening of TV Game Show, Board Game fun. This week, the chaps play Strike It Lucky, Britain's Got Talent and prepare themselves for a horrid Double Dare Jelly Bean finale!
7pm: Exploring The Actor's Cube
Graham Tractor speaks to another actor about their career timeline.
8pm: Around The World In 80 Plops
Madam Ladyplops and Squishy JIm take us to another popular holiday destination for more fecal squelchings.
9pm: Gaffs
Another rich and famous celebrity opens their doors and allows us around their "gaff" to see how they live and work.
10pm Programme Ends
(Special thanks to Pat Sharp for his guest appearance)


160 - In The Mouth Of Madness

It's a strange old episode is this! It seems like the whole episode is teetering on the edge on its own barely stable sanity. Will it be Eli's face explosion? Will it be because of the late night recording session that gets to them? Is it thanks to an awful board game based on a terrible TV show? Could it be something to do with the truly demented song choices in Silverman's Platter? Who knows... But maybe listen to this episode with a trusted, neutral party.


112 - Beyond Punderdome

It's the Punderdome, a pun filled battle to the death. Two men enter, one man leaves... followed by the other a little while later! When the Cheap Chaps play a board game based on a New York comedy night, their comedy skills are put to the test and left sorely lacking!

Before all that madness, there is a classic Price of Shite with one particularly angering toy discovery, Paul erupts into the most prolonged and pointless piece of toilet humour in the show's history and we get a little trippy with a visit to Silverman's Platter. The show just got silly!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow Share & Enjoy.

Photos for this episode can be seen at... https://www.thecheapshow.co.uk/ep-112-beyond-punderdome

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... LOVE US!

085 - FUN CITY

085 - Fun City

Do you wanna have a bit of fun? Shall we have a bit of fun? OK. Let's do it!

In episode 85 Paul & Eli bend over backwards to have a super duper fun time and YOU can join us. How much fun is there? Lots.

We have super fun pretending to be hard bitten detectives when a Tales from the Shop Floor inspires the cheap chaps to go overboard on the over acting. There is a even a wicked fun Price of Shite that manages to cram in TWO completely different versions of the game. That's fun, isn't it? Yes. Yes it is.

But the fun doesn't stop there. Hell no! We end the show by taking a trip to "Fun City" a retro board game that demands Eli and Paul have as much fun as humanly possible... but don't forget to help the old lady cross the road!! What does that mean? Well why don't you listen to this FUN episode of CheapShow and find out? Fun. Fun! FUN!!!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow


082 - The History Of The Noel: Part One

Noel Edmonds. The man, the myth, the beard. Is he a talented, misunderstood, everyman of the entertainment world? Or just a mad, desperate lunatic who feels he should be considerably more famous? You decide... As we finally tackle the topic that's been hanging over us for so long.

In this episode, Paul & Eli look at Noel's beginnings, read a rather crap interview with Noel from a 1975 Top of the Pops annual and then throw themselves into Crinkly Bottom... Kinda... they play the Noel's House Party board game... and end up with tired out wrists!

But then... why is this Part One? Is there more to come in the future? Sadly, there may have to be...

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080 - CheapShow TV

CheapShow has (somehow) been going for 3 years! So why not check out this very special edition of the economy comedy podcast, as we attempt to turn the podcast in to a full blown TV channel?

7.00pm: Top of Pops With music from Dire Concerns, The Spunk Mothers, Labian Caves... and Russ Abbott

7.30pm: CheapShow TV Show Board Game Special Paul, Eli & Ash take on some of Britain's best TV game shows with arguments, challenges and forfeits. This week, the cheap chaps take on Blockbusters, The Million Pound Drop and Britain's Got Talent.

8.30: Bobby's Mucky Flat The reward winning sitcom returns for a new series. This week, Bobby has to deal with a family tragedy that he singlehandedly caused... and comedy ensues!

9pm: Stars In Their Thighs Sex talks with D List celebrities.

10pm: Putin On The Ritz Hard hitting pun based documentary.

11pm: Confessions of a Radio DJ Sex comedy with Pat Sharp and Barbera Windsor.

1am: Programming Ends

(With thanks to radio legend Pat Sharp for helping out with this episode. We'd also like to thank Roobeh on Reddit for the amazing "Gibbly-Woo" song that helps open the show!)

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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078 - Mouth Grumbles

Who is Jimmy Biscuits? Well, whoever he is, Eli is NOT impressed by his appearance. Paul may be TOO impressed. It's a big, fat chunky episode of the world's only (probably) economy comedy podcast.

We have a show packed with Tales from the Shop Floor, Eli's Top Three, Cheap Eats and we even cram in a board game too. If you wanted to know what the best kind of cheap Bombay Mix is, what Iced Tea to wash it down with and what happens when an out of date candy is bitten in to... Well, you have come to the right place.

The Cheap Chaps also get the journalism bug when they play a 1950's board game called "Scoop" which is packed with drama, laughs and the shock of discovering old fashioned racist advertising campaigns! It was a different time. Apparently!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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072 - Spunky Bun

"Can I have a vowel please Carol?" And with those immortal words, CheapShow dives into another TV show board game classic as the cheap chaps play a round or two of Countdown! One that doesn't go according to someone's very particular plans!

Before all that though, there are many things to enjoy first! Marvel as Paul & Eli discuss the bliss of owning a Generation Game toy! Fear their chat on being a superhero with an erection problem. Howl at the moments where Paul gets to slap his co-host. Buckle up and get ready for more shocking Tales from the Shop Floor...

And finally, bow your heads in respect at the altar of The League of Snacks as we add three more snacks to this most sacred of leagues!

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066 - Bottom Sniffer

Well, this turned out to be a big one! It's the episode that sees us tasting the most disgusting thing ever to pass our lips. It's also the episode where Eli delivers a brand new "Top 3", we find out what horror lurks at the bottom of the "bag of bags", the cheap chaps discover a most unusual flavour of potato crisps, debate whether you can live off food pills stuck up your arse and try out some infamous "high alcohol" cheap lager. Things get very heated in another bout of Board Game play time and we also invent the cruelest place in the world to eat. It's CheapShow: unnecessarily bigger, longer and uncooked!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... LOVE US!


062 - Merry MinjMuncha

It's Christmas... Apparently! But don't expect anything special from CheapShow this year... It's just the usual cheap chat, odd tat, Bric-a-Brac and an unusual board game Paul found in a strange shop he'd never seen before... There is something VERY eerie about this game though! Something magical... Oh and Merry Christmas!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

Share & Enjoy. Subscribe or Die! www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

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