102 - AAAAGHH!

102 - Aaaaghh!

After the madness that was episodes 100 & 101, let's just kick back and chill, shall we? Let's just hang out? You and us. In our one hundred and twoth episode, Paul and Eli decide to take stock of everything that has happened and everything that is to come. Eli gets rather annoyed with the lack of structure, but Paul decides to embrace it. But fear not, you still get a load of the usual verbal violence, horrible food and curious nostalgia! What's happened to Jimmy Biscuits? Who's this "Timmy Biscuits"? A disgusting chocolate bar is invented and after playing with a TOMY toy classic, the cheap chaps dive into a Froth Shop with a sticky end...

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088 - The History Of The Noel Part Two: Enough Is Enough

Enough is enough! We have to end this relationship with Noel Edmonds, one way or the other... and it's not going to be pretty! Paul and Eli finally lift the flaps of Britain's most infamous and cuddly light entertainer's private life and get stuck into some of the more untoward parts of his career. Hopefully we may never need travel back to Crinkly Bottom again.

However, it's not all Noel talk this week, in fact you get a healthy dose of regular CheapShow content for your troubles. We are promised some "pet corpse" stories and BOY do we get some. Paul gives himself over to Jimmy Biscuits and pays the price. Eli reveals something shocking that could ruin the cheap eats section of the show forever and a slanderous theory is put forward as Eli gets off on Noel's balls. It's the usual podcast oddness!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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078 - Mouth Grumbles

Who is Jimmy Biscuits? Well, whoever he is, Eli is NOT impressed by his appearance. Paul may be TOO impressed. It's a big, fat chunky episode of the world's only (probably) economy comedy podcast.

We have a show packed with Tales from the Shop Floor, Eli's Top Three, Cheap Eats and we even cram in a board game too. If you wanted to know what the best kind of cheap Bombay Mix is, what Iced Tea to wash it down with and what happens when an out of date candy is bitten in to... Well, you have come to the right place.

The Cheap Chaps also get the journalism bug when they play a 1950's board game called "Scoop" which is packed with drama, laughs and the shock of discovering old fashioned racist advertising campaigns! It was a different time. Apparently!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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