168 - Unresolvable Sentences

This week, we are sad to announce that Paul Gannon is broken. Whether it's the hard grind of his usual day to day existence or whether it's just because he is an old fart, who knows? All Eli knows, is that he finds this highly amusing. Paul obviously doesn't. It's a show packed with cheap eats and a Price of Shite that we can assure you is all above board and chock full of p-twings!
We'd also like to apologise for Eli's new terrible character. You'll find out why soon enough!


165 - Bad Jackfruit

It's a blast from the past on CheapShow this week. After the cancellation of a planned guest, Paul had to reach out to a face that, although familiar to Eli and Paul, will be unknown to YOU! But who is this person? Why is he here and why has it taken 5 years to get that person on the show? Once the mystery is solved, it's another case of the usual CheapShow shenanigans, with a sweet Cheap Eats, a rather scat heavy Tales from the Shop Floor and a shouty take on Family Fortunes. Join us in the Tudor Crypt! (Soho Radio)


162 - Murder On The Cheap Eats Express

All aboard for a train trip you'll never forget! Although the "Cheap Eats Express" looks luxurious enough, it hides a deadly secret. This week, Paul & Eli board the train, thinking they are in for a nice, relaxing journey... But instead, they will come face to face with a gruesome murder! Who will be that tragic victim? Who is the killer? It's going to be one hell of a journey for the Cheap Chaps, as they meet a cast of CheapShow "favourites", dodge bullets, battle to the death atop the train itself and maybe, just maybe, find out "whodunnit". Somehow... they also manage to cram in a Price of Shite and a Cheap Eats Segment too.


156 - Maximum Thwopage

Stop us if you have heard this one before... Eli is unwell and in a mood and he... OH you HAVE heard this before? Well how do you think Paul feels? Paul is also not happy with Eli's constant use of the word "Thwopage" so Eli needs to up his game. That does not happen this week. Instead, you are treated to a new Tales from the Shop Floor, an amusingly underwhelming Cheap Eats and a return to Paul's Page Turners, featuring two charity shop books, one definitely more interesting than the other! Same Tat, different day!


110 - The Spidermilk Fallout

"Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies!" as that band once sung, and on this episode of CheapShow, we get to hear just how good/bad the Cheap Chaps are at lying! And lo, should they be caught out, there is a horrible forfeit awaiting their lying, deceitful faces! Before that reasonably grand finale, there is a whole load of unusual food to discover. Paul and Eli have a very strange "Cheap Eats" section that isn't that cheap and you'd not want to eat anything anyway.

Finally, Paul discovers that Poundland had a sale on and decided to see what great bargains he can nab for Eli to review. All that and a little less in "The Spidermilk Fallout".

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Photos for this episode can be seen at... https://www.thecheapshow.co.uk/ep-110-the-spidermilk-fallout

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... LOVE US!


109 - The Ancient Order of Froth Blowers

Have you heard of the "Ancient Order of Froth Blowers"? The CheapShow chaps hadn't until it was mysteriously pointed out to them via sacred scrolls... or Twitter. Whatever. The point being is that it's once again time to go down the history rabbit hole. Exciting... Just not for Eli.

Elsewhere in the podcast, Eli teases some tasty USA sourced Cheap Eats and, for some reason, Paul and Eli decide that allowing its listenership the opportunity to ask us a question would be a good idea. It wasn't. To be fair, some of the replies are traumatising! It's your weekly dose of tat, grime, bargains, verbal violence and scatological absurdity!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow Share & Enjoy.

Photos for this episode can be seen at... https://www.thecheapshow.co.uk/ep-109-ancient-order-of-froth-blower

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

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095 - Dragon's Den

Following the terrifying events of episode 94, normality almost returns to CheapShow. We deliver a new Tales from the Shop AND Dance floor, Mi Casa/Su Casa pops up just in time to help calm the frazzled nerves and there is even time to finish off those delicious American Cheap Eats...

However, when the CheapShow Chaps decide to play a board game based on the BBC TV show "Dragon's Den" a dark cloud once again emerges from the depths... However, this time it comes with a peace offering... But can it be trusted? Find out in this 'ere episode! (Podcast may feature additional Ron Jeremy - check label for details)

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow @elisnoid & @Ashfrith

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089 - The Strange, Lonely World of the Miser

Apparently, Eli thinks there is not enough love for celery! That's where episode 89 begins and only gets more bizarre!

We returns to the world of dead animals in Tales from the Shop Floor and the return of CSI: CheapShow Charity Shop Crime Scene: Dead Pet Edition... which will definitely be a spin off one day. Sadly.

There are more cheap eats to "enjoy" that takes us from lemon biscuits to cock-like chilli gummies via clumpy pork cracklings.

Finally, it's a trip through history as we hear about some of the past's worst misers and imagine making a very expensive phone call. It's all the fun of the fair in what ONE iTunes 1 Star review says "is just swearing!" Is it? Well, yes...

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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088 - The History Of The Noel Part Two: Enough Is Enough

Enough is enough! We have to end this relationship with Noel Edmonds, one way or the other... and it's not going to be pretty! Paul and Eli finally lift the flaps of Britain's most infamous and cuddly light entertainer's private life and get stuck into some of the more untoward parts of his career. Hopefully we may never need travel back to Crinkly Bottom again.

However, it's not all Noel talk this week, in fact you get a healthy dose of regular CheapShow content for your troubles. We are promised some "pet corpse" stories and BOY do we get some. Paul gives himself over to Jimmy Biscuits and pays the price. Eli reveals something shocking that could ruin the cheap eats section of the show forever and a slanderous theory is put forward as Eli gets off on Noel's balls. It's the usual podcast oddness!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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086 - Pickle Lolly

It's a scorcher of an episode in more ways than one! The heat is getting to Paul & Eli and tempers are rising... who will snap first? Who will lash out? Who will say something they regret? 

Episode 86 is packed with quality content. Oh boy howdy, is it! We have another food package sent to the House of Pickles, stuffed with American cheap eats. One particular snack has quite the shock in store! Eli is forced to take a drugs test by Paul and leads to a sober, but utterly obvious outcome. There is also time to talk about cheap vinyl record players, in some reasonable depth actually, and see if it's worth spending your pennies on those platters! It's a nice long trip to CheapShowVille and you are invited to tolerate the whole journey...

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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083 - Mouth Sounds

How many characters can CheapShow sustain? Has Paul created one too many pointless, annoying characters? Eli seems to think so, in this, our magnificent 83rd episode!

It's all the usual larks and laughter, covering all your favourite segments... and even some you probably hate too. We have Tales from the Dancefloor, "Mi Casa, Su Casa", Cheap Eats and The Price of Shite. It's a ruddy packed show!

Eli huffs some potentially poisonous fumes, Paul decides to turn every single bloody moment into an opportunity to make more infuriating animal sounds and voices and it all leads to CheapShow's typical concoction of comedy and violence!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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078 - Mouth Grumbles

Who is Jimmy Biscuits? Well, whoever he is, Eli is NOT impressed by his appearance. Paul may be TOO impressed. It's a big, fat chunky episode of the world's only (probably) economy comedy podcast.

We have a show packed with Tales from the Shop Floor, Eli's Top Three, Cheap Eats and we even cram in a board game too. If you wanted to know what the best kind of cheap Bombay Mix is, what Iced Tea to wash it down with and what happens when an out of date candy is bitten in to... Well, you have come to the right place.

The Cheap Chaps also get the journalism bug when they play a 1950's board game called "Scoop" which is packed with drama, laughs and the shock of discovering old fashioned racist advertising campaigns! It was a different time. Apparently!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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077 - HOT MESS

077 - Hot Mess

Episode 77 is a literal "hot mess"! Not only in terms of what the CheapShow chaps get up to, but also what fair-weather co-host Ash Frith forces down their throats!

Eli seems to think Paul's heart's not in it, whereas Paul feels Eli is being too critical. Ash just has to sit there and watch Mummy & Daddy fight.  It's a packed show, with a tonne of great cheapshow goodness.

There is a rather revealing Tales from the Shop Floor, a fizzy and energetic Cheap Eats and we even get to hear about The King of Hay-On-Wye in another edition of CheapShow Storytime.

Finally, Ash forces everyone into the Kitchen of Pickles to reveal his favourite "Vegan Meal" which everyone will regret eating in the morning! With thanks to walterjohnhunt on Reddit for "Eli & The Snoid Boys" and their hit song "Suck Mah Dick"!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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071 - "Death to Don't Get Mad!"

This HAS to be the last time we do this, right? It can't still be popular? It's just two guys having mental meltdowns! However, you demanded it and so here it is. It's back... The dreaded "Don't Get Mad" game returns in all its horrific glory and we are pretty sure this is the final one. Possibly. Before all that though, why not take in the lovely sounds of Paul & Eli discussing all things tat and terrific!

In episode 71, Paul gets all musical, Eli gives you some top tips on how to approach him if you ever see him DJing and Paul tells a tale of stumbling into a crime scene! There is also a new Cheap Eats that's been sourced from Eli's recent trip to America. It involves something Paul thinks is rancid nastiness and Eli thinks is proper tasty. Oh those CheapShow Chaps! So get ready, strap in and hold tight... this one gets ugly!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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065 - Murder or Ice Cream?

What's popular in podcasts these days? Murder, right? So Paul & Eli decide to jump on that "True Crime" bandwagon and find a story about a cheap serial killer. It does not go well and Eli is not impressed. In fact, Eli is not impressed much in this episode. He is let down by Tales from the Shop Floor. He is upset about the Cheap Eats selection and he is especially not happy about Paul... Who won't stop eating a sandwich. In fact, on reflection, this may be less a CheapShow episode and more of therapy session between two angry, tired men who have decided to record a podcast much later in the evening than they should ever attempt again. This podcast is a public record of this event.

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

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060 - Eli's Country Noodle Kitchen

If you have ever wanted to cook noodles in Eli's kitchen (because you obviously must be demented), you finally get your chance as CheapShow finally takes you into a world of pure imaginoodles! Move over Nigella, get lost "Masterchef" and bugger off "Bake Off", this is the cooking show for you! Eli takes you on a journey through his noodle knowledge and he devours some interesting, and surprisingly hot, cheap treats! Elsewhere in the show, Paul finally gives up on sentence structure, we offer bad advice to charity shops and we investigate a long forgotten US TV Game Show called... The Cheap Show! What's all that about then? Find out, in episode 60!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

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053 - Don't Get Mad Strikes Back

You demanded that it returned. You wanted this. After long last, it's back... We are returning to the ugly world of "Don't Get Mad" and this may be the most demented, twisted, hilarious one yet... But don't say we didn't warn you! In this long awaited episode, Paul & Eli go back to basics with a classic Tales from the Dancefloor (one that manages to break Eli), a revamped "Price of Shite" that goes down very well indeed and a super sour "Cheap Eats" too! It's stuffed with the usual CheapShow madness but with the added volatility of an "angered by toothache" Paul and a "ready to snap" Eli... It's definitely the most CheapShowy CheapShow to date and it may destroy your tiny little minds. Hold On Tight. CheapShow was recorded at "The Pod" at White City Place.

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

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046 - THAT'S LIFE!

046 - That's Life!

It's cheap gossip magazine time and, as it turns out, there is not too much humour you can derive from articles about domestic violence, harrowing illness and personality quizzes... and it doesn't help that Paul has just discovered a wacky sound effect app for his phone that he hopes will lighten the tone somewhat. He is wrong. Eli, in turn, brings the food for another delightful Cheap Eats segment. Despite the usual collection of bargain foodstuffs, the cheap chaps finally get their hands on the holy grail of muck... And its not good. Not good at all!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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You can see pictures and accompanying videos for this episode on our website www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

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038 - PICK ME UP

038 - Pick Me Up

It's a slightly longer episode than usual, but Paul & Eli have so much to cram into this latest episode of CheapShow!

In a bumper edition of your favourite economy comedy podcast we tackle Eli's lack of hair and beard, Paul has some pretty dark thoughts and more Noodle talk is had! In Cheap Eats, things get gross with some Japanese delights, one of which could've killed Paul and we put name brands and off brand biscuits head to head to see which is best. Finally, Paul & Eli go looking for money saving tips, life advice and depressing gossip in one of those dirt cheap lifestyle magazines you see in Supermarkets. It's extra chunky!

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You can see pictures and accompanying videos for this episode on our website www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... all that jazz!

WARNING *Show contains strong language and adult material


020 - The Play Your Blankety Cards Right Game Show

Paul & Eli bring their love of Game Shows and Light Entertainment to it's natural conclusion in this very special nostalgic battle royale. There can be only one winner and losing any rounds will carry horrific consequences! 

In our 20th episode spectacular the CheapShow Chaps take on 3 of UK TV's most popular 80's Game Shows. They try to read each other's minds playing Blankety Blank, guess what 100 people thought in Play Your Cards Right and use their bargain hunting skills in a few rounds of The Price of Right. To the winner, the spoils. To the loser, its a gamble on the infamous Jelly Belly Beanboozled candy. A fate worse than death! 

There is also time for some more Cheap Eats from the USA and a few "commercial breaks" too! 

The Economy Comedy Podcast goes all out on giving you a blast from the past!