092 - Without A Cluedo

There has been a murder at Tudor Mansion! Who was it? Where was the crime committed and with what object? If that all sounds familiar, then that's because it's Cluedo, innit?

In this latest episode of CheapShow, Gannon gets another Golden Game to add to his collection, and this isn't any old Cluedo! No. This is Cluedo SFX!! Which means it's fancy. Who will win? The answer maybe slightly anti-climatic. Also, it went on for AGES, so be prepared for a few artistic edits!

Elsewhere in this economy comedy podcast, Eli brings you a disco hit from the DEVIL, we hear a range of "music" from 80s DJ Steve Wright and dive headfirst into a long anticipated "Off Brand/Brand Off". Topic: Biscuits. It's pretty hardcore round here, mate! So relax, unwind and enjoy the sounds of 2 middle aged men shouting at each other. You deserve it.

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow & @elisnoid

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090 - Three Simple Phases

It's been a long time coming, but we are returning to "Life Hacks" in this week's episode. However, we asked our audience to suggest them and, well, we may have made a mistake. Eli is especially critical of some of them, so apologies in advance. We do, instead, discover 3 simple phrases to live by and uncover a creepy little perk Eli is willing to offer if you see him DJing.

So what else happens, then? Elsewhere, Eli is HEAVILY censored, we taste test two exciting Instant Noodles, become befuddled by some Morons from Outer Space vinyl and remain shocked by a game changing gaff in The Price of Shite! Welcome to the economy comedy podcast of your dreams!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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081 - Cockabonkers!

Aren't radio DJs amazing? Aren't they brilliant? With their wacky banter, comfy demeanor and desperate need to be loved... Paul & Eli cover 2 very different, but very infamous examples when they pick up a copy of the "Top of the Pops 1975 Annual" at a local charity shop and delve within its pages!

Episode 81 also contains a marvellous Tales from the Shop Floor that, for once, doesn't contain human bum waste. There is even time for a Silverman's Platter... hosted by Paul!! But if he is charge of the music, how can bad can it possibly be? Put it one way, Eli is in a very naughty mood!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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071 - "Death to Don't Get Mad!"

This HAS to be the last time we do this, right? It can't still be popular? It's just two guys having mental meltdowns! However, you demanded it and so here it is. It's back... The dreaded "Don't Get Mad" game returns in all its horrific glory and we are pretty sure this is the final one. Possibly. Before all that though, why not take in the lovely sounds of Paul & Eli discussing all things tat and terrific!

In episode 71, Paul gets all musical, Eli gives you some top tips on how to approach him if you ever see him DJing and Paul tells a tale of stumbling into a crime scene! There is also a new Cheap Eats that's been sourced from Eli's recent trip to America. It involves something Paul thinks is rancid nastiness and Eli thinks is proper tasty. Oh those CheapShow Chaps! So get ready, strap in and hold tight... this one gets ugly!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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043 - Sexy Eurovision Contest

It's boom bang-a-bang time as Paul, Eli and random co-host Ash Frith dive into the world of The Eurovision Song Contest in this Europop special. The chaps pick through some of the best and worst songs from the decades old songwriting crapfest to present the tracks that tickle their interest, from meta-music electro-pop all the way to singing turkeys! So join them as they wave a flag, debate some musical debacles and give "Nil Points" to this yearly musical contest.

WARNING: It gets pointless and grotesquely sexy at times. Oh, and stay tuned at the end... Ash, sorry, DJ Ashy F has made something special for you!

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You can see pictures and accompanying videos for this episode on our website www.thecheapshow.co.uk

If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow @elisnoid & @ashfrith

Wanna help us on Patreon? www.patreon.com/cheapshow

If you like what you hear, please spread the word! Like, Review, Share, Comment... all that jazz!

WARNING *Show contains strong language and adult material


005 - Rob Deb Sucks Sour Candies

Episode Five with Special Guest, Rob Deb.

In this month's money saving episode...

Paul sprays energy drink out of his nose.

Eli complains about idiot requests as a DJ.

Ash delivers a long list of moronic money saving tips.

Rob Deb vies for Old Comedian of the Year.

The Price of Shite game may contain peppers.

...And the chaps all decide to see who can suck the most sour candy of them all!

It's another joyous, anarchic podcast celebrating the very best of the very worst!