082 - The History Of The Noel: Part One

Noel Edmonds. The man, the myth, the beard. Is he a talented, misunderstood, everyman of the entertainment world? Or just a mad, desperate lunatic who feels he should be considerably more famous? You decide... As we finally tackle the topic that's been hanging over us for so long.

In this episode, Paul & Eli look at Noel's beginnings, read a rather crap interview with Noel from a 1975 Top of the Pops annual and then throw themselves into Crinkly Bottom... Kinda... they play the Noel's House Party board game... and end up with tired out wrists!

But then... why is this Part One? Is there more to come in the future? Sadly, there may have to be...

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081 - Cockabonkers!

Aren't radio DJs amazing? Aren't they brilliant? With their wacky banter, comfy demeanor and desperate need to be loved... Paul & Eli cover 2 very different, but very infamous examples when they pick up a copy of the "Top of the Pops 1975 Annual" at a local charity shop and delve within its pages!

Episode 81 also contains a marvellous Tales from the Shop Floor that, for once, doesn't contain human bum waste. There is even time for a Silverman's Platter... hosted by Paul!! But if he is charge of the music, how can bad can it possibly be? Put it one way, Eli is in a very naughty mood!

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