108 - Dick-A-Lot Bear

We're back for an episode full of laughs, random tangents, quality tat and a lot of gagging and coughing. Paul has a pretty rough time this week! After a long absence The League of Snacks (and crisps) returns to tackle the mystery of the Doritos. Where will they rank? There is also a overdue return to Silverman's Platter to listen to some unusual charity shop finds. If you care about your childhood, you may want to brace yourself. Finally, Paul and Eli eat some disgusting bug gummies. It's not going to be pleasant!


084 - Munchy Munch Yum Yum Time

Food, Glorious Food! It's time to stuff more cheap eats inside our gob holes and deal with the consequences later. We continue our odyssey of oral nourishment by finishing off our American snack hamper, and Eli becomes positively fizzy with delight at some of the treats on offer... Maybe TOO fizzy.

Elsewhere, Paul throws all continuity out of the window when he attempts to bring life to yet another inanimate object. It does not go well for Mr Teddy Glassman.

Somehow, a Tales from the Shop Floor manages to make Eli gag and, in much bigger news, the very existence of The League of Snacks hangs in the balance when Paul and Eli come into (more) conflict over the grading of Scampi Fries! Is this the end of the segment or even the podcast itself? Find out, why don't you?

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079 - A Very Brown Snack

Yup. It's another CheapShow. You love it. Same old, same old!

Ask Silverman? Check! Price of Shite? Check! League of Snacks? Check! Paul & Eli hurling insults back and forth, with verbal violence and threats of something worse lurking in the shadows? Check!

Along the way they rant about mixtapes, hipsters, hot nuts, sexy lady pictures, recordable paper and Eli has even promised a "mindblowing" edition of Price of Shite... But has he? Paul isn't impressed. Or even knows what is going on! Typical.

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072 - Spunky Bun

"Can I have a vowel please Carol?" And with those immortal words, CheapShow dives into another TV show board game classic as the cheap chaps play a round or two of Countdown! One that doesn't go according to someone's very particular plans!

Before all that though, there are many things to enjoy first! Marvel as Paul & Eli discuss the bliss of owning a Generation Game toy! Fear their chat on being a superhero with an erection problem. Howl at the moments where Paul gets to slap his co-host. Buckle up and get ready for more shocking Tales from the Shop Floor...

And finally, bow your heads in respect at the altar of The League of Snacks as we add three more snacks to this most sacred of leagues!

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068 - The League of Snacks

The episode that nearly wasn't! But we rescued it! It's been a long time coming, but finally, Paul & Eli begin to put together their long awaited "League of Snacks" has begun to curate it's collection of snacks and crisps for review. It will be the most important thing of all time ever! Where will your favourite snack end up ranked? But before all that, it's the usual CheapShow madness... We have more weird and wonderful Tales from the Shopfloor, Paul challenges Eli to a devious round of The Price of Shite, we cram in an Off Brand/Brand Off and instantly regret buying so much mayonnaise. Finally, Paul opens up the doors to his Froth Shop and treats Eli to a whole host of cheap and cheerful candies... as long as Eli promises to stop creating any more stupid, awful new characters!

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067 - HoP 9 - The Defecator

Following on from the fallout of the infamous SEX episode, Ash is feeling considerably left out that no one wanted to write him into one of the sordid tales of CheapShow nookie... So Paul vamps one, much to Eli's chagrin. Ash then goes on to tell us about his vegan adventures in Rome, discovers who is in charge of penises at the Vatican and what a little pooping statue means. Elsewhere, Eli is typically hung over, Paul gets his Dollop Rip Off indefinitely postponed and the cheap chaps finally settle on the rules for the forthcoming "League of Snacks". It will change the world! It's another mini trip to the House of Pickles!

And if you like us, why not support us: www.patreon.com/cheapshow

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If you want to get involved, email us at thecheapshow@gmail.com

And if you have to, follow us on Twitter @thecheapshowpod or @paulgannonshow @elisnoid & @ashfrith

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