077 - Highlights of 2016 Show!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Another year of comics is in the bag, and this time its the first whole year for the Awesome Pod. With that in mind, VInce, Dan and Tony sit down to discuss some of their highlights of the year. They talk about great series, publishers, creators and conventions from 2016 and then talk about what they want to see in 2017. It gets silly, serious and everything in between.

For an extra bonus we have an exclusive interview as Tony visits NoBrow studios to get the skinny on their amazing work from Sam Arthur!

Great stuff to check out this week: Nexus, X-O Manowar, Divinity, Invincible, The Fix, Hilda, 3 Minute Max, Deer Editor, Monologue, Porcelain, Ness, Black Dog, Airboy, Turncoat, Vanguard, Scurry, Rising Sand, Last Driver, Spider Forest, Sleep Tight, New York Comic Con, London Super Comic Con, Bristol Comic Expo, Valiant Comics, Avery Hill Publishing, Image Comics,

Also, can you recognise our festive themes this week?

Let us know what you think!


065 - Ryan K Lindsay and Deer Editor!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

This week Ryan K Lindsay (Deer Editor, Negative Space) joins the Awesome Pod crew this week to talk about all things comics, from his working processes on his past books, the price of digital books, Michael Bay films and the importance of value for money with Kickstarters' and how he came to be part of the upcoming 2016 DC writers workshop. Its a great comic creation chat with a creator to watch! Also there's a bunch of brilliant books to check out, Vince talks about a creator who he didn't realise was such a big deal, Dan gives himself a challenge in the name pronunciation stakes, Ryan supplies a classic out take and as he couldn't make it this week... everyone misses Tony.

Mentioned in this episode are: Ryan K LindsayDeer Editor: HackSami KivelaNegative SpacePsycarioOld Skull ComicsAshcan Small Press FB groupGhostsRaina TelgemeirThe Black Monday MurdersJonathan HickmanNottingham Comic Con KickstarterOrbital Life Drawing ClassEric PowellHillbillyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe

Get some publicity for your comic and take part in the Small Press Factor 2016. Find out more about it HERE and enter HERE

Check out our good friends at  A Place to Hang Your CapePipedream ComicsDown the Tubes

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com


062 - Kevin Gunstone and Planet of Daemons!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Kevin Gunstone, writer behind such titles as Future Primitive, DIS and the upcoming Planet of Daemons joins the ACP this week to talk about how his new demonic title came to be, what influences him as a writer and so much more! He talks about his writing past for Marvel and Image, what brought him back to comics after a hiatus and his own process when it comes to writing dialogue. Its a fascinating look into world building and story telling, not to mention a lot of talk about a great new series you have to check out! The gang also discuss the latest conventions trips they've had, pimp some kickstarters, discuss Steven Seagal's acting prowess, the show gets political, Dan discusses IMPENDING DOOM, Vince loses faith in his segways and Tony gives us all a #Millarwatch update.

Mentioned in this episode are: Kevin GunstonePlanet of DaemonsFuture PrimitiveDISUntitled Apes Epic AdventureSteve TillotsonScurryMac SmithDesperate TimesKel WinserEmpire of BloodGraphic India,   Cognition 2 KSNess 2 KSAfterlife Inc: Man Made God KSDeer Editor 3 KSBartkiraKathryn BriggsTriskelion, Bob TurnerDTHRTL, The Penned GuinsAlan HendersonLou Scannon, Attic StudiosBloodfellasComics Anonymous

Get some publicity for your comic and take part in the Small Press Factor 2016

Find out more about it HERE and enter HERE

Check out our good friends at  A Place to Hang Your CapePipedream ComicsDown the Tubes

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com