127 - The World of Porcelain (w/Benjamin Read and Christian Wildgoose)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Its a very special show this week as the gang take time to discuss one of their favourite series of books, the trilogy of Porcelain! Writer Benjamin Read (Night Post) and artist Christian Wildgoose (Batgirl) join in to talk about the creation of the Porcelain world and how their journey from book one to now has evolved. There's talk of how they met, the creation of their publishing stable Improper Books, the collaboration process and more, and not only that but Ben manages to do all that despite having a killer cold (what a trooper!). There's also plenty of funny comic talk, great books for you all to check out and the epic rude word foghorn gets a triple-outing. Its a show not to be missed!

Great stuff to check out this week: Improper Books Porcelain: A Gothic Fairy Tale, Porcelain: Bone China, Porcelain: Ivory Tower, Benjamin Read, Christian Wildgoose, Batgirl, Laura Wildgoose, Night Post, Jim Campbell, Andre May, Devil Kickers, Iron Bard Ballisto, One Giant Hand, Geiss, Black Monday Murders, Uber

Join the discussion today at our facebook group Awesome Comics Talk

Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com 

Let us know what you think!


121 - A trip to Rock Candy Mountain! (w/Kyle Starks)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

This week the ACP gang are joined by the creator of listener favourite 'Sexcastle', Kyle Starks! He talks about his latest books Kill Em All and Rock Candy Mountain, his journey back into comics and some of his work process. Of course, the conversation divulges into an all round classic action movie discussion. Theres also some brilliant books in the recommendation section and lots more!

Great stuff to check out this week: Kyle Starks, Rock Candy Mountain, Kill Them All, Sexcastle, Dead of WinterThe Ballad of Ricky Thunder, Rick and Morty, Devil Kickers, Midnight Man: Gunspace, The Valiant, Porcelain: Ivory Tower, Psycho Killer, Kaijumax, 4 Kids Walk into a Bank

Join the discussion today at our facebook group Awesome Comics Talk

Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com 

Let us know what you think!


077 - Highlights of 2016 Show!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Another year of comics is in the bag, and this time its the first whole year for the Awesome Pod. With that in mind, VInce, Dan and Tony sit down to discuss some of their highlights of the year. They talk about great series, publishers, creators and conventions from 2016 and then talk about what they want to see in 2017. It gets silly, serious and everything in between.

For an extra bonus we have an exclusive interview as Tony visits NoBrow studios to get the skinny on their amazing work from Sam Arthur!

Great stuff to check out this week: Nexus, X-O Manowar, Divinity, Invincible, The Fix, Hilda, 3 Minute Max, Deer Editor, Monologue, Porcelain, Ness, Black Dog, Airboy, Turncoat, Vanguard, Scurry, Rising Sand, Last Driver, Spider Forest, Sleep Tight, New York Comic Con, London Super Comic Con, Bristol Comic Expo, Valiant Comics, Avery Hill Publishing, Image Comics,

Also, can you recognise our festive themes this week?

Let us know what you think!