086 - The Journey of Surface Tension (w / Jay Gunn)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Sometimes you just want to find out more about a book, and this week the ACP trio talk to Jay Gunn about one of their favourite recent books 'Surface Tension'. There's discussion about the thoughts behind the epic far out concept, Jays time in the video game industry, his influences and his experience pitching and working with a big publisher on his first comic book There's also talk about a great variety of amazing books to try out, talk of 70s and 80s sci-fi TV, Guy N.Smith, Jackie Chan, Coal Miners, zombie fatigue and so much more. It's an episode not to be missed.

Great stuff to check out this week: Jay Gunn, Surface Tension, Titan Comics, Ed Traquino, Frenzied, Realm of the Damned, Alec Worley, Pye Parr, Scout, Tim Truman,  Jiro Taniguchi, A Zoo in Winter, Film Reroll, The Once and Future Queen

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com

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