056 - Comic Book Stores and Movies Galore!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Comic Book Stores are some of the best places in the world, and where would us comic fans be without them? Vince, Dan and Tony talk about what they think makes a good store and get some amazing recommendations from listeners. Also, with San Diego Comic Con churning out loads of awesome news and trailers, the gang take some time to talk about the stuff they're excited about. Its a good old fashioned pub chat style ramble of a show thats full of chuckles and talk of this medium we all love. Theres also some great small press books and events to get excited about, and the results of the cheeky competition the gang launched last week are revealed. Plus theres plenty of ranting, rambling, movie talk (don't mention Green Street) and general comic book geekery to be had. Vince finally finds a comic book movie Tony doesn't like, Dan wonders why he reads some articles on the train and Tony tries to say the word anal a lot... again. 

Mentioned in this episode are: Sliced QuarterlyKen ReynoldsThe Last DriverShaky KaneDead Canary ComicsTurncoatRyan O SullivanPlaid KlausAftershock ComicsCaptain KidWilfredo TorresAirboyA Certain Symmetry, Water Closet Press

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