092 - Giant Monsters! (w / Zak Simmonds Hurn)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

We kick off a whole month of talking about genre comics with a special look at GIANT MONSTERS! From King Kong to Godzuki, the ACP crew talk about all kinds of monsters in comics, helped by the creator of the awesome book Monstrosity, Zak Simmonds Hurn! There's talk of monsters in western and eastern cultures, classic bronze age creatures, the monsters of the big two and there's some poll results that bring up even more crazy and hilarious conversation. The answer to who would win out of Godzilla and King Kong is also answered in the style you come to expect from an Awesome Pod! There's also an amazing selection of recommendations, Zak offers up an exclusive competition, Dan tries to get a clip show, Tonys on meds and Vince uses the word otherworldly more times than ever before!

Great stuff to check out this week: Zak Simmonds-Hurn, Monstrosity, Gyo, Tor, Joe Kubert, Kaijumax, Cankor, Matthew Allison, One Piece, The Phoenix

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com

Let us know what you think!