096 - Western Comics! (w / Chris Jenkins)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Its the last week of the ACPs look at genres in comics, and they finish off their 'genretastic' month with Western comics! From cowboy tales to more grizzly, modern takes, its a genre that's still going strong even amongst the small press and joined by Reckless Heroes very own Chris Jenkins (writer of The Last Sheriff) the gang discuss some of the questions and characters made famous by the wild west and beyond. There's also discussion about getting artists for your independent projects, some colouring talk, more brilliant independent books are recommended and everyone refuses to talk about Guardians of the Galaxy.

Great stuff to check out this week: Chris Jenkins, Reckless Hero Studios, The Last Sheriff, Isabellae Vol 1: The Night Man, Europe Comics, The Dark Tower, The Human Beings, SJ McCune, Low

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com

Let us know what you think!


064 - Shaky Kane, Chris Baker and Last Driver!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

The ACP gang goes apocalyptic and off the rails this week as we talk Last Driver with Chris Baker and Brit comics legend Shaky Kane! Theres chat about the inspiration for Frank Sudden and his road trip adventure, Shaky's previous work and the shocking plans he has for his old original pages, someone orders a chinese takeaway, John Carpenter talk, Alan Moore talk, kickstarter discussion and SO much more. This show is jam packed!! Plus Vince struggles on with a cold, Dan announces some big Vanguard news and Tony finds a new best friend after discovering someone who also owns Doll Man vs Demonic Toys.

Mentioned in this episode are: Last DriverDead Canary ComicsShaky KaneGray Area: Our TownTim BirdLast Sheriff 3Reckless HeroChris JenkinsChris ImberThe Corpse WalkerTrav HartPaper GirlsCuria RegisRobin PierceThe FixVanguard on Spider ForestTrue Believers Interview

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If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com