094 - Giant Robots! (w / John Paul Bove)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Week 3 of ACPs genretastic April takes a turn for the mechanical; as its Giant Robot Week! Joined by convention favourite John Paul Bove (Transformers, TMNT) the discussion covers all things robotic and more. Its an epic conversation that goes from comics, to cartoons, to strange slash fiction and everything in between. Theres also some more brilliant books you need to check out, tons of Transformer conversation, the results of a robot rumble are revealed and a particular area of fanart is shockingly revealed.

Great stuff to check out this week: John Paul Bove, Transformers, Shogun Warriors, Savage Things, Gods of Men, Colossi, Vault Comics, Midnight Nation

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com

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