110 - Nuthin' But Comic Talk!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

With Dan Butcher returning to the show after being away for 2 weeks, the trio decided it was time for some good old fashioned comics rambling. There's talk of comic conventions and how they should be called 'festivals' from now on, crazy successful kickstarters, creative control over your IP, sharks, bears and more. A few listener questions are answered and after yet more fantastic book recommendations there's also an extra bit of audio as Tony interviews Rachael Ball (The Inflatable Woman).

Great stuff to check out this week: Patrioka, The Penned Guins, Be Pure Be Vigilant Audiobook, Vic Iddstar-Hill, Frome Comic Con, The Demon Archives, Stuart McCune, Ken Reynolds, NPC Tea, Sarah Millman, Hilda and the Black HoundRicardo Mo, Rachael Ball, The Inflatable Woman

Join the discussion today at our facebook group Awesome Comics Talk

Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com 

Let us know what you think!


095 - Crime Comics (w / Ricardo Mo)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

This week the gang are joined by the writer of Awesome Pod fave Colossi Ricardo Mo, and everyone talks about the genre thats been in comics from the very beginning - crime! Theres discussion about some of the great crime comics that have been published, everyones personal favourites and how far reaching and maleable the crime genre can be. Not only that, but the show kicks off with a hearty discussion about Tony's new blog post about conventions that has started up some heated discussion. Plus Dan talks about his Waitrose shoppign habits, Ricardo throws a curveball in the world of favourite pastries, Tony go full on Victor Meldrew and as Vince has created the word genretastic, dammit he's going to use it!

Great stuff to check out this week: Ricardo Mo, Propeller, Collosi, Vault Comics, Plastic, Marx, Freud and EinsteinThe Private Eye, Tonys Esmonds Blog

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com

Let us know what you think!