063 - Fraser Campbell and Alex Automatic!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

Writer of Sleeping Dogs and Alex Automatic, Fraser Campbell joins the Awesome Pod crew to talk about the new 70s tv inspired book, his work process, influences and more. Theres also plenty of talk about exciting books for you to check out, the work of Alan Moore and Watchmen, conventions in Scotland, Dan reveals he is a nightmare to intruders, Vince completely messes up a famous quote and Tony talks sideboob.

Mentioned in this episode are: Fraser CampbellAlex AutomaticSleeping DogsNo Brow PressAudabonMidnight ButterflyEmpire of GeekFrank ChoSkybourneBoom StudiosScurryBlack MumbaRam VIain LauriePeriwinkleKubo and the Two StringsThe Institute of Marine ResearchClaire Connolly ComicsAnything about Nothing

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