101 - Desert Island Comics! (w / Al Ewing)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

To kick off the next hundred episodes of the show the awesome pod gang try something a little different this week. You've heard of Desert Island Discs, but you've never heard anything like the the Awesome Pods Desert Island Comics! Now only that, but joining the castaways is the brilliant writer of The Ultimates and Royals, Al Ewing! Together, they discuss how their comic choices will help them survive on the island and more. One of them creates a palace and rules with an army of beasts, another creates a coconut based brothel, one succumbs to island madness and someone goes to a dark place and walks out to the sea Plus theres tons of comic talk and brilliant books are discussed in amongst all the island fun. Check it out! 

Great stuff to check out this week: Al Ewing, The Ultimates, The Royals, New XMen, Comichaus, Comichaus Kickstarter

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If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com

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