325 - Comic Book Conventions in 2021!
The Awesome Comics Podcast

With UK convention season beginning to start again, the ACP takes some time to look at how the general public feels about once again revisiting the events we all love so much. Informative and insightful, the discussion is one not to be missed for anyone organising or visiting a convention in the future. Plus there's great comics to check out and Tony gives his account of tabling at Meanwhile... in Coventry!

Great stuff to check out this week - Meanwhile... in Coventry, Thought Bubble 2021, The Hero Business  Future Egg Trilogy, Matt Simmons, Dynamite Diva, Kamen America, The Telepaths, AWA Comics, Earthworks, Alfie Gallagher, Martin Hayes

Click here to buy comics from the creators of the Awesome Comics Podcast!

Let us know what you think! Email: awesomecomicspod@gmail.com 
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Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com
