318 - Making a Comic Book Anthology! (w / Sarah Harris!)
The Awesome Comics Podcast

This week the gang are joined by friend of the show, moral compass and editor of the upcoming comics anthology 'Drawn Under the Influence', Sarah Harris! Having compiled and edited her first comic book anthology, Sarah has plenty of stories of the work that went into the endeavour, raising money for charity and where and what you can find in the books pages. Theres also plenty of laughs, great comics to check out and more!

Great stuff to check out this week - Sarah Harris, Drawn Under the Influence, Terminator, Chris Warner, Fuzz and Pluck, Barbaric #2, Vault Comics, Ice Cream Man, Image Comics

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Check out the folks who sponsor this lil show - the mighty folks at Comichaus!

If you love our Intro/Outro music, then check out the brilliant Chad Fifer and more of his musical badassery at www.chadfifer.bandcamp.com
