
Welcome to episode 123 of The All Seeing Guys Podcast with Greg & Joe. 

We are joined by our very good friend Pete Miller aka Apollo KiDD aka @phyneart on Instagram. Pete has been friends with Greg for 15 years, joined on Dicerollers tracks and drawn the artwork for the upcoming Dicerollers EP. 

We reminisce about meeting each other, the music we made, and the laughs we had, Greg has a revelation about Short Circuit 2. We dive into a couple of random news stories such as women who claim to have had alien hybrid babies, Wendy Williams farting on live tv... or did she? We briefly touch on the passing of Kobe Bryant, talk about the lady who eats a tub of talcum powder a day and exchange some old retail war stories. 

We also talk about how weird stuff happens to Greg or when he is around and how a couple of strangers have commented on his orange aura. 

All this and much more. 


Ep 60 I want to believe kinda.jpg

Welcome to episode 60 of The All Seeing Guys, the truth maybe out there, but it certainly isn't here as Greg & Joe grab their high powered flash lights walk in to the world of the Paranormal (cue The X Files theme). They explore Aliens, Ghosts, Creatures & take a trip to Hell itself. From Planet Nibriu, Lizard man, Big Foot to Frozen Alien mummies, we got it covered. Do we believe? Are we convinced? Do we even really care?