Episode Twenty
Idiots of Facebook

In this action packed episode, Frank posts an old love letter written to him many years ago to his Facebook wall.  It describes a very different Frank than we know now.  One that is organized, makes good food choices, helps his lady be independent, and can even take care of houseplants!  The ladies that can read it eat it up!  Others understandably can't, because it looks like it was taken at the bottom of the sea.  So in case you don't have 20/20 underwater vision, we read it to you in our usual dramatic fashion.  

Next a drunken Lisa BEEP-do sings karaoke for us!  And just like all of Lisa's celebrity friends, you are sure to love it!  Evidently, they all posted how great they thought it was before it was taken down.  Lucky for us, she tell us all of the comments, since we can no longer see them.  All this, a clever closing song related to the content of the show, and more.  So dial up your favorite Kardashian, grab your waterproof earbuds and give it a listen!