116 - The Last Wave
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is accompanied by author Simon Guerrier for a study of The Last Wave, Peter Weir's 1977 Australian mythological urban thriller, with their conversation covering such topics as white saviour narratives, the Australian New Wave, storytelling through contrast and Papa Lazarou.

Simon’s book, David Whitaker in an Exciting Adventure in Television, is available from Ten Acre Books here.

Below are a viewable copy of the film, a short commentary by Peter Weir, a playlist of Charles Wain’s score and the story of David Burton in Doctor Who.


107 - Give My Regards to Broad Street
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is joined again by author and scriptwriter Simon Guerrier to investigate Paul McCartney's 1984 musical drama Give My Regards to Broad Street, also starring Bryan Brown, Tracey Ullman and Ralph Richardson. Their conversation covers such vital subjects as the Beatles filmography, Thomas the Funk Engine, dream-storming, alternative storylines and Blame It on Ringo.

Simon’s latest book, The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Great War, is available here, while Very Naughty Boys: The Amazing True Story of HandMade Films, mentioned during podcast, is available here.

Below is a viewable version of the film, its trailer and some supplimentary sources.

099 - THE WICKER MAN (2006)

099 - The Wicker Man (2006)
Cinema Limbo

Simon Guerrier returns to the podcast for a further instalment in the special series covering films outside the regular remit, in this case the notorious 2006 remake of The Wicker Man, adapted and directed by Neil LaBute, starring Nicholas Cage and Ellen Burstyn.

Their discussion of this famous disaster covers bigoted directors, children as plot tokens, the concept of suspense, the critic as pathologist and angry cycling.

Below are a trailer, Radiohead’s Wicker Man-inspired video for Burn the Witch and Andrew Ellard’s Video Notes on Quantum of Solace, as mentioned by Simon.

093 - SMOKE

093 - Smoke
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is joined by author and scriptwriter Simon Guerrier to discuss Smoke, the 1995 ensemble drama by Paul Auster and Wayne Wang and starring Harvey Keitel, William Hurt, Forest Whitaker, Stockard Channing, Ashley Judd and Jared Harris. In their exploration, they touch on the companion film Blue in the Face, the transformation of New York, the screenwriter as auteur, the history of tobacco and Belgian waffles.


088 - Highlander II: The Quickening
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy reunites with author and scriptwriter Simon Guerrier for a New Year's Eve special examining Highlander II: The Quickening, the 1991 action fantasy sequel starring Christophe Lambert, Sean Connery, Virginia Madsen and Michael Ironside. Their conversation covers such wide-ranging topics as the implausible endurance of the franchise, the film's multiple edits and interpretations, its debt to other film sequels, chaos in Argentina, the identity of the "80s sci-fi Jonah" and the true meaning of the Quickening.


081 - Ryan's Daughter
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is joined by author and dramatist Simon Guerrier for a discussion of David Lean's Oscar-winning epic period romance from 1970, Ryan's Daughter, starring Sarah Miles, Robert Mitchum, Christopher Jones, Leon McKern and John Mills. As they talk, they explore such topics as familiy connections to the production and content, two-fisted priests, the female gaze, storytelling through colour choices and which war is the trendiest.

068 - KING KONG (1976)

068 - King Kong (1976)
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is joined by acclaimed author and scriptwriter Simon Guerrier to discuss 1976's monster movie remake of King Kong, starring Jeff Bridges, Jessica Lange and Charles Grodin. Their analysis takes in such topics as the birth of the blockbuster, The Secret Diary of Marco Polo, Mitchell and Webb and a former Doctor Who showrunner.