099 - THE WICKER MAN (2006)

099 - The Wicker Man (2006)
Cinema Limbo

Simon Guerrier returns to the podcast for a further instalment in the special series covering films outside the regular remit, in this case the notorious 2006 remake of The Wicker Man, adapted and directed by Neil LaBute, starring Nicholas Cage and Ellen Burstyn.

Their discussion of this famous disaster covers bigoted directors, children as plot tokens, the concept of suspense, the critic as pathologist and angry cycling.

Below are a trailer, Radiohead’s Wicker Man-inspired video for Burn the Witch and Andrew Ellard’s Video Notes on Quantum of Solace, as mentioned by Simon.


004 - The Wicker Tree
Cinema Limbo

George Grimwood joins Jeremy again to discuss the 2011 horror The Wicker Tree, the spiritual sequel to The Wicker Man from the director of the original film, in a conversation that encompasses creamed spinach, disappointing Stephen King miniseries, a villain who watches The Simpsons and how to eat a live gibbon.