016 - 2010

016 - 2010
Cinema Limbo

Chris Arnsby joins Jeremy to travel to the future in 2010, the science-fiction drama from 1984 and sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey with their conversation touching on such topics as Salvador Dali, medieval Scotland, Peter Sellers being buried alive and the Monolith's page on Friends Reunited.


005 - Santa Claus: The Movie
Cinema Limbo

Fellow film fan NikDrou joins Jeremy to pick over festive favorite Santa Claus: The Movie, the 1985 fantasy starring Dudley Moore and John Lithgow, with the gingerbread-fueled discussion taking such seasonal topics as 9/11, socialism, Polly Poo-Pants and whether the film is a prequel to The Shining. Merry Christmas!