084 - Escape from Tomorrow
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is joined once again by Chris Arnsby to mull over 2013's surreal blackly comic horror Escape from Tomorrow, a film largely shot in secret in Walt Disney World and Disneyland Anaheim. As they dive down a rabbit hole on the log flume from hell, they consider their own theme park experiences, the Streisand effect, overlaps between the present and what seems to be ancient history and the trope of theme parks going wrong, while also goading Christopher Nolan further.


079 - Cinema Lockdown
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy returns after a long rest to be joined by Chris Arnsby to discuss the impact the COVID-19 crisis and lockdown has had on the cinema business, film production and movie-going habits, in doing so touching on subjects including Battlestar Galactica, Josh Trank's comeback and Quibi. Several release dates have changed since this episode was recorded, with Tenet moving from mid-July to late August and Wonder Woman 1984 moving for a second time from August to October. Release dates correct at time of writing.

Below is a taster of one of those sitcoms mentioned that moved out of primetime to give the other shows a chance, as well as a playlist of reviews of films from 2020, from the podcast sibling YouTube channel.


077 - Fantasia
Cinema Limbo

Chris Arnsby joins Jeremy for a highbrow evening of culture, as they enjoy Walt Disney's 1940 classical music anthology Fantasia, featuring works by Beethoven, Bach, Mussorgsky, Stravinsky and Dukas. Their sophisticated banter touches on topics including the Mind of the Divine, popular musicologists, racial politics in pre-war Hollywood and Cadbury's Fruit and Nut.


075 - The Incredible Hulk
Cinema Limbo

Chris Arnsby returns for the second part of the Hulk diptych, as he joins Jeremy to study the 2008 science-fiction adventure The Incredible Hulk, directed by Louis Leterrier and starring Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth and William Hurt. In the course of their investigations, they uncover changing landscapes, respect for a legacy, Tim Roth's agent and Chris's magic act.



064 - The Swimmer
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is joined by Chris Arnsby to discuss the 1968 psychodrama The Swimmer starring Burt Lancaster and based on a story by John Cheever. This symposium includes discussion on the subjects of PEGOTs, grey flannel suits, the anticipation of sauce and the notion of twist endings.

Further reading on the film is this article from Bright Wall, Dark Room, which looks more deeply at the film.



063 - Review of the Year 2018
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy rounds up his choices for the best and worst films of the year, assisted by Chris Arnsby and Anthony Malone, the latter joining via written notes, as together they cover such subjects as the stage version of The Exorcist, the parallel between Freddie Mercury and Neil Armstrong, Jurassic World: The Lawsuit, the distance of history and exactly what Jeremy thinks of Ernest Cline.


057 - How to Get Ahead in Advertsing
CInema Limbo

Jeremy and Chris Arnsby cast off the shackles of commercialism to watch How to Get Ahead in Advertising, the 1989 satire written and directed by Bruce Robinson and reuniting him with his Withnail, Richard E. Grant. Their discussion of this dark and disgusting comedy covers such rib-tickling topics as George Orwell, Franz Kafka, Sergeant Pepper, Blake's 7 and Thomas the Tank Engine.

055 - THE CAR

055 - The Car
Cinema Limbo

Chris Arnsby and Jeremy investigate The Car, the 1977 supernatural thriller starring James Brolin and Ronny Cox, in a discussion that touches on Cathy Come Home, Local Hero, Captain America (not that one), Salem's Parking Lot and the Terminator/Z-Cars crossover.

053 - LUCY

053 - Lucy
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is joined by Chris Arnsby to mull over the 2014 sci-fi action thriller Lucy, starring Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman and written and directed by Luc Besson, in a discussion that covers such diverse topics as Ed Wood, Chris Morris, Carl Sagan and the film's 1970s remake.


048 - Even Dwarfs Started Small
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy and Chris Arnsby take a long jump into left field for Werner Herzog's 1970 satirical fantasia Even Dwarfs Started Small, taking in crucified monkeys, hypnotised chickens and drowned rats on the way.

As well as the usual trailer and product links below, enjoy some highlights from Herzog's bizarre career.

046 & 047 - REVIEW OF THE YEAR 2017

046 - Review of the Year 2017: Part I
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is joined by both Chris Arnsby and Antony Malone as they present their thoughts on the last year in movies. In the first part of this epic adventure, they tussle with Bananaman, stand-up comic David Bowie, all the Draculas and enjoy a libel that was cut before release.

047 - Review of the Year 2017: Part II
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy, Chris Arnsby and Antony Malone continue their journey through the last year in film, as Chris pursues a family vendetta, Jeremy insults Mexico and Antony is hypnotised by a French screen legend.

Below you can see a playlist of previous Best Film winners.


045 - The Beach
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy and Chris Arnsby chase the sun to The Beach, the 2000 adventure drama starring Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Danny Boyle, based on the novel by Alex Garland. Their  journey takes them past such topics as Strontium Dog, Tilda Swonton (sic), the Abbey Road webcam and Richard Briers.

Here is some information and art from the 2000 AD serialisation of A Life Less Ordinary - which really is real.


044 - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy and Chris Arnsby go where few have past ventured by exploring Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, the 1989 science fiction adventure based on the television series and starring, co-written and directed by William Shatner. Along the way Jeremy recounts more of his overseas exploits, David Warner goes in the corner, Sean Connery makes terrible career choices and everyone wears SAS jumpers.

Available to view below is the camera test for the infamous "rock monster" sequence. Consider your own verdict.

043 - GERRY

043 - Gerry
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy and Chris Arnsby voyage into the infinite emptiness of the desert to discover Gerry, the 2003 experimental drama directed by Gus van Sant and starring Casey Affleck and Matt Damon, as part of a discussion that covers Stephen King, European Vacation, The Goon Show and Ray Mears.

There's some addtional reading, with a contemporary interview with Van Sant here, and a more in-depth review is here.


041 - Last Action Hero
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy and Chris take a voyage into the screen for satirical 1993 blockbuster and celebrated flop Last Action Hero, with a chat that encompasses a wire-tapping scandal, endless Terminator sequels, Christopher Nolan on laughing gas and the World's Greatest Actor.

By way of further reading, here is a re-evaluation of the film via the AV Club, while here is the incomprehensible first draft, which Jeremy cites repeatedly during the podcast. Make of it what you can.



039 - Black Christmas
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is joined by Chris Arnsby for a festive discussion of 1974 Canadian horror classic Black Christmas, as part of a seasonal fireside chat including such topics of interest including Sir David Cronenberg, piano crime, The Laughing Policeman and trying to get Jeremy's mum to watch Dawn of the Dead.


037 - Return to Limbo
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is brought out of his six-month hibernation by Chris Arnsby in time for this mini-episode, which precedes a new run of Cinema Limbo from next week. In the meantime, Jeremy explains where he's been, pitches the next Bond film and reviews the Godfather Trilogy, while Chris bemoans listmakers' obsession with death.


036 - Fantastic Four
Cinema Limbo

Chris Arnsby and Jeremy explore the 2015 superhero adventure Fantastic Four, in a packed episode that takes in Superman's rainbow powers, the Midvale School for the Gifted, Max Landis and SCENE MISSING.