169 - Frothtopia

There are strange things afoot in the HoP this week! Paul & Eli focus carefully on the economy comedy content... By talking about how to get rid of a dead body, the practicalities of cannibalism and the fact that Paul may be seriously considering starting up a cult (just as long as he doesn't give away the final destination for all of his followers)! What exactly is Frothtopia? Eventually, the cheap chaps get back on track and deliver a retro video games based edition of The Price of Shite and a thoroughly interesting biscuit based edition of Off Brand/Brand Off. It's choc-tastic!


014 - The Xmas Christmas Special

It's the day before Xmas, and Paul and Eli have forgotten one small important thing... PRESENTS!

To right this wrong and make sure consumerism is returned to the heart of Christmas, the boys race out into the snowy London streets to look for that extra special gift!

In this dramatic/comedic/pathetic production, Paul and Eli will deal with owning a randy cat, discover how drunk Eli gets based on his biscuit choice, find a curious little shop full of odd nic-naks, dine with a family poorer than Tiny Tim' and eventually discover a demonic toy and a one way trip to the North Pole... They MAY even meet the real (YES REAL!) Santa Claus!

So let us amuse you this Xmas with a bit of CheapShow magic!