Johnny loves this 150 minute frontier horror, and insists Andrew saddle up for a ride into hell and back, promising that Retribution Is Coming. Andrew, meanwhile, breaks down and contemplates what a serial killer horse could get away with back in olden times. Yep. That’s how the lockdown’s going, folks.

189 - Brimstone
Are You Movie Mad?

183 - RANGO

We’re all isolated across the globe, but for this week it’s a trip to the desolate Mojave, as Gore Verbinski’s Oscar-winning western animated adventure comes into view. Talking family movies, quarantine life and the career of the Pirates Of The Caribbean director, maybe some sanity will be found here.

183 - Rango
Are You Movie Mad?


005 - Wild Wild West
Are You Movie Mad?

The Willenium has been going for long enough to appreciate pre-Suicide Squad Will Smith and pre-Nine Lives Barry Sonnenfeld, and a shed-load of steampunk too. Throw in knighted thespian Sir Kenneth Branagh and wannabe knighted Kevin Kline, what's not to love, Andrew asks Johnny. What's not to love?