266 - TITAN A.E.

Well, look, we’re embarrassed. We were certain that covering Roar instead of Raw was a one-off, and we were gonna watch the Palme D’or winning Titane this week, but… Disney+ didn’t have it, I was misled, and so we watch Don Bluth’s mega-flop 2D-3D hybrid space animation. In our defense, it has a gender-fluid lead, a bunch of crazy people together believing this person to be someone they aren’t and a prologue with childhood trauma, so it’s basically the same film as Titane, ok?

266 - Titan A.E.
Are You Movie Mad?


Second go around with the legend of Robin Hood and this time it’s Disney’s crime to answer for, stealing from The Jungle Book to give to the poor, animation-wise. We take a dive into the formation of furries, and other cultures over the recent generations, discuss who could voice the live action-ish redux, and if Robin Hood is capable of being a cinematic adventure at any point.

258 - Disney's Robin Hood
Are You Movie Mad?


From a comedy western to a western with comic elements, it’s time to get some Paul Newman Eyes in the mix, and the eternal charm of Robert Redford. Johnny has never much experienced either of them, and certainly not the palpable chemistry of the duo on screen, so what better time to pull this trigger? And since it’s the day before Zack Snyder’s Justice League drops, we make bold predictions all over the show as to what the 4 hours, 1 minute and 28 seconds contain.

232 - Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid
Are You Movie Mad?


Judging December ends with a look back at a Straight-To-DVD comedy, and looks forward to the year 2505, with Idiocracy. Will Johnny’s new love of Office Space transfer to the Etan Cohen-co-written satire, or will the world as we now know it provide too much painful hilarity that not even Mike Judge could have anticipated?

E-Mail the show with questions and comments for the final ep of 2020 at areyoumoviemad@hotmail.com

220 - Idiocracy
Are You Movie Mad?


Sitting on the shelf after a long time, we release an episode on Kenneth Lonergan’s much-delayed epic human drama, where Johnny has some sort of comprehensive understanding of humanity and the universe, and Andrew reminisces on the single-screen opening day in London.

182 - Margaret
Are You Movie Mad?