030 - Movie Commentary
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin - An Entourage Podcast

Set your new blu ray/DVD/Digital HD combo sets up and prepare for the Entourage commentary they didn't want you to hear! Nick and Andrew settle in for 105 minutes of Hollywood glitz and glamour, and the pronunciation of Ratajkowski.

We have the details on how scenes came into existence, the celebrity cameos you never knew were involved, the secrets behind Hollywood and Doug Ellin's background performer focus. This is the be-all end-all of info-tainment commentary tracks.

If you've enjoyed the 30 episodes of Yellin' 'Bout Ellin, don't forget to tell the hosts on twitter via @EthanRunt so that they can feel good about wasting the last year of their lives.

029 - FINALE

029 - Finale
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Nick and Andrew finish the show they started, damnit, with a wrap-up. Discussion goes to the movie's UK première and junket, the DVD extras, and ultimately what will be the final ever Yellin' 'Bout Ellin episode (Beyond the finale).

Tune in to find out!


028 - The Movie
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

The big one, Andrew and Nick sit down to talk Entourage's first theatrical motion picture. Nick was so psyched he flew to the heart of Entourage, Hollyweird, Californ-I-A to see the sights and gives us some over-the-phone glimpses of the world of Vinnie and the boys, whilst the film's many surprises and plots are dissected in detail. A climax for the ages.


027 - Filler Episode
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

With only a week until the US release of Entourage... The Movie Version; Entourage, Andrew and Nick sit down to talk the boys' appearance on Monday Night RAW, what happened to the stars between the TV and movie versions and other... things. We're stretching this out, folks.

026 - SEASON 8 DISK 2

026 - Season 8 Disk 2
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Nick and Andrew finalise the show and talk Ari Gold's press tour, as well as the controversial and highly insightful 9/11 controversy surrounding Entourage. The episodes discussed are "Motherfucker", "The Big Bang", "Second To Last" and "The End". But whilst the show is over, it is not the end. Join us for more in the weeks before the movie's release, and then the movie's release, and then we become Ballerscast, the official fan podcast of HBO's Ballers, starring Dwayne 'The Rock" Johnson, Peter 'The Rock' Berg and The Rob Corddry.

025 - SEASON 8 DISK 1

025 - Season 8 Disk 1
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Nick and Andrew prepare to end their journey in Hollyweird with the penultimate disk of Entourage and the episodes "Home Sweet Home", "Out With A Bang", "One Last Shot" and "Whiz Kid". The duo talk two short films ('adverts') released featuring Johnny Drama and Ari Gold before getting deep into the show. As-it-recorded-up-to-the-minute clips of Entourage... The Movie Version; Entourage are played and discussed, as well as the beginning of watching the 17 minutes of B-Roll released.

024 - SEASON 7 DISK 2

024 - Season 7 Disk 2
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Andrew and Nick conclude Season 7 with definitely no controversy as they broach the episodes "Hair", "Tequila And Coke", "Sniff Sniff Gang Bang", "Porn Scenes From An Italian Restaurant" and "Lose Yourself".

023 - SEASON 7 DISK 1

023 - Season 7 Disk 1
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Nick finally tells some hardcore Star Wars truth in a no-holds barred Entourage podcast dealing with episodes "Stunted", "Buzzed", "Dramedy", "Tequila Sunrise" and "Bottoms Up". The two also discover the original title of the hit movie Pitch Perfect 2.

022 - SEASON 6 DISK 3

022 - Season 6 Disk 3
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Wrapping up Season 6 of Entourage isn't so bad when guest star Liam Neeson pops in to discuss all things Entourage... The Movie Version; Entourage. But more important than the star of Taken 2 is the talk on "Security Briefs", "Berried Alive", "Scared Straight" and the 40-minute finale "Give A Little Bit". Finally, Andrew and Nick sum up the season in all honesty. Edit point.

021 - SEASON 6 DISK 2

021 - Season 6 Disk 2
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Andrew and Nick talk episodes "Fore!", "Murphy's Lie", "No More Drama" and "The Sorkin Notes", as well as bring in the reality of Kelsey Grammer's family history, look at the mind of a studio head and discuss which Linkin Park album represents each member of the 'Raj.

020 - SEASON 6 DISK 1

020 - Season 6 Disk 1
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Nick and Andrew settle into the groove of Season 6 of Entourage with the first 4 episodes "Drive", "Amongst Friends", "One Car, Two Car, Red Car, Blue Car" and "Running On E", as well as announce some big news in the Entourage-verse, including a big competition for the upcoming UK (Adrian) Premiere of the movie, so get on that!!! Hashtag Mortdecai.

016 - SEASON 5 DISK 1

016 - Season 5 Disk 1
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Andrew and Nick start the second half of Entourage in style, with Season 5's first disk, "Fantasy Island", "Unlike A Virgin", "The All Out Fall Out" and "Fire Sale", and they take Buzzfeed's new Which Entourage Character Are You personality quiz. Is anyone a Vince? Is anyone a Marvin The Annoyed Accountant?

015 - SEASON 4 DISK 3

015 - Season 4 Disk 3
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Andrew and Nick turn their eye to the last chunk of the fourth season, with episodes "The Young And The Stoned", "Snow Job", "No Cannes Do" and "The Cannes Kids", as well as various other things that don't involve asking why TWO Cannes-titled episodes, and if they even constitute puns.

014 - SEASON 4 DISK 2

014 - Season 4 Disk 2
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

On top of talking about Season 4's second disk episodes "The Dream Team", "The Weho Ho", "The Day Fuckers" and "Gary's Desk", Nick and Andrew try to break through the system with an isolated YouTube clip involving concepts for the Entourage feature film's opening sequence.

013 - SEASON 4 DISK 1

013 - Season 4 Disk 1
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Nick and Andrew begin that fourth season of Entourage with a fly-on-the-wall discussion about discussing "Welcome To The Jungle" before episodes "The First Cut Is The Deepest", "Mailbooty" and "Sorry, Harvey" are dissected in true Yellin' fashion.


012 - The Cut Stuff
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Whilst Season 4 is just around the corner, it's time to bring out a small fail-cast that occurred when trying to re-record S03P2D1 on the second go around. Nick and Andrew spend way too long dealing with The Cheeky Girls' The Cheeky Song (Touch My Bum) bro.

011 - SEASON 3 PART 2 DISK 2

011 - Season 3 Part 2 Disk 2
Yellin' 'Bout Ellin

Nick and Andrew round out the 20-episode extravaganza that is Entourage's Season 3 with the episodes "Return Of The King", "The Resurrection", "The Prince's Bride" and "Adios Amigos". Plus plenty of bizarre tangents, bits and non-episodic discussion to flavour HBO's hit comedy.