Yeah, I know that title isn't going to attract any new listeners. But honestly, there were very few other options. Things started with shit and ended with shit this week but I promise you, it's not as bad as it sounds. In fact, it's much better than it sounds. But then again, if your title is shit then I guess you can only go up from there... Get it? Oh well. So, anyway, Loose Brie are back for the turd time. Sorry. Turd time. Oh man, I did it again. Goodness me. I can't stop thinking of pooh. It has become my everything. What have you done to me Loose Brie?? You've broken my mind! Graaaargh! Sorry about that. I don't remember what happened but apparently I was found sleeping in a barn in the Sussex Downs 3 weeks after I began writing this episode description. I was caked in all of the different farm animal's poohs. I was terrorising the locals by running around the village screaming "ME SEES SPECIES FEACES!" After 3 months in a psychiatric hospital I have managed to stop seeing poop everywhere and I think I have finally mustered the courage to finishing uploading this episode. I recommend you stay away. This episode has scarred my mind in ways that can never heal and I truly hope, if you choose to listen, that you have a mind of steel. Godspeed and good luck... Anyway, this episode features Loose Brie who are back for the turd time. See what I did there? Haha. Turd time...
It's a great show. Check it out! Things get caraazy! PEACE! xx ps.
It's not actually all about poop. calm down xx