046 - 'The Joshua Tree' with Erick Bieger
My Classic Album with Mike Norris

The album that cemented U2 as one of the biggest bands on the planet and established a legacy they would never get away from... even when they tried! Mike is joined by West of House's Erick Bieger to share their love for 'The Joshua Tree'.

From the first time Erick listened to 'The Joshua Tree', the album resonated with him strongly. Not only did it inspire Erick's own journey as a musician but it also raised his own awareness of American foreign policy as explored by Bono and the band throughout the album.


Which track on 'The Joshua Tree' holds a personal significance to Mike's own family history?

What connects serial killer Robert John Bardo to the song 'Exit'?

Who was Greg Carroll, the man the song 'One Tree Hill' was written in memory of?


PLUS: Enjoy 'Holy Ghosted', a track from West of House's debut album 'Crescendo of Silence'.


An all time classic finally takes its place on 'My Classic Album'

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Music Credits: 'This Is Rock' by Silvia Marchese

'Holy Ghosted' by West of House (played with permission from the artist from their 2020 album 'Crescendo of Silence', available on all streaming platforms)