104 - Nina Buckley - We're Not Very Sax Positive These Days
Looks Unfamiliar

Looks Unfamiliar is a podcast in which writer and occasional broadcaster Tim Worthington talks to a guest about some of the things that they remember that nobody else ever seems to.

Joining Tim this time is Birmingham's leading cutlery expert Nina Buckley, who’s building a bridge to anyone else who remembers Bridge To Your Heart by Wax, Murun Buchstansangur and 439 Golden Greats - Never Mind The Originals Here's The HeeBeeGeeBees. Along the way we'll be finding out what 'Pure Pop' has to do with Les Dennis dressed as Vyvyan, asking when International Murun's Day is, tuning in to Программа Поба and Brad Pitt presenting Meditate: The Side Of Need You Tonight Nobody Remembers - The INXS Story, and debating what should go on Jeremy Hunt's debut album. Apparently while mentioning Whose Line Is It Anyway? more times than is strictly necessary...

You can find more editions of Looks Unfamiliar at http://timworthington.org/.

If you enjoy Looks Unfamiliar, you can help to support the show by buying us a coffee here. Just shove that miserable so and so out of the way if he's loitering under the sink.