Fant4stic With Mic Wright

It’s Good, Except It Sucks is a movie by movie – and television series by television series – hurtle through the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hosted by Tim Worthington with a series of superpowered guests.

This time we’re heading into the Multiverse for a look at Fant4stic, released in 2015, and joining Tim for a chat about Victor Von Doom fusing with a chew bar while listening to Cradle Of Filth is journalist Mic Wright. What will they find to say about Richard Reed And The Fabulous Quartet, the Aldi Middle Aisle Stargate and how to finish a movie round the back of a building, and what does any of this have to do with Morbius ruining The Human Torch's summer vacation? Get listening and find out!

You can find more editions of It's Good, Except It Sucks at You can also find Mic on It's Good, Except It Sucks talking about The Punisher here, Thor: Ragnarok here, Logan here and X-Men: Have Yourself A Morlock Little X-Mas here.

If you enjoy It's Good, Except It Sucks, you can help to support the show by buying us a coffee here. It would help if it looked slightly less dull than the colour palate of this film does.

Thor: Ragnarok With Mic Wright

It’s Good, Except It Sucks is a movie by movie – and television series by television series – hurtle through the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hosted by Tim Worthington with a series of superpowered guests.

This time it’s Thor: Ragnarok from 2017, and joining Tim for a chat about The God Of Thunder taking part in Willy Wonka's Ultimate Fighting Championship is journalist Mic Wright. What will they find to say about The Marvel Cinematic Inkbomb, a Present But Not Involved Iron Fist and Korg's latest provocative forum post, and what does any of this have to do with who would win out of The Daleks and The Cybermen? Get listening and find out!

You can find more editions of It's Good, Except It Sucks at You can also find Mic on It's Good, Except It Sucks talking about The Punisher here, Logan here, Fant4stic here and X-Men: Have Yourself A Morlock Little X-Mas here.

If you enjoy It's Good, Except It Sucks, you can help to support the show by buying us a coffee here. I'm sure Surtur won't mind heating it up for you.

X-Men: Have Yourself A Morlock Little X-Mas With Mic Wright

It’s Good, Except It Sucks is a movie by movie – and television series by television series – hurtle through the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hosted by Tim Worthington with a series of superpowered guests.

This time we’re heading into the Multiverse for a look at X-Men: Have Yourself A Morlock Little X-Mas, first seen in 1995, and joining Tim for a chat about Gambit mistaking Cajun Spice for the real meaning of Christmas is journalist Mic Wright. What will they find to say about a Republican's idea of a deranged punk, Victor Meldrew's stint as a member of the X-Men and who the worst-smelling Marvel character to stand in for Santa would be, and what does any of this have to do with a pissed off Winona Ryder? Get listening and find out!

You can find more editions of It's Good, Except It Sucks at You can also find Mic on It's Good, Except It Sucks talking about Logan here, Thor: Ragnarok here, the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of The Punisher here and Fant4stic here.

If you enjoy It's Good, Except It Sucks you can help to support the show by buying us a coffee here. Though poor old Logan can’t have any as he’d just shred the cardboard cup sadly.

Logan With Mic Wright

It’s Good, Except It Sucks is a movie by movie – and television series by television series – hurtle through the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hosted by Tim Worthington with a series of superpowered guests.

This time we’re heading into the Multiverse for a look at Logan, released in 2017, and joining Tim for a chat about Wolverine setting off on the world's most poorly reviewed Uber journey is journalist Mic Wright. What will they find to say about the correct manner in which to address the Spider-Mens General, Jeremy Renner's Backwards Baseball Cap and the unmade lost X-Men classic Him With The Claws, and what does any of this have to do with Blade fighting over who gets to fight Blade? Get listening and find out!

You can find more editions of It's Good, Except It Sucks at You can also find Mic on It's Good, Except It Sucks talking about the Christmas Special of the X-Men animated series here, Thor: Ragnarok here, the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of The Punisher here and Fant4stic here.

If you enjoy It's Good, Except It Sucks, you can help to support the show by buying us a coffee here. Though poor old Logan can't have any as he'd just shred the cardboard cup. Probably in black and white for added 'emphasis' too.

028 - The Punisher With Mic Wright

It’s Good, Except It Sucks is a movie by movie – and television series by television series – hurtle through the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hosted by Tim Worthington with a series of superpowered guests.

This time it’s The Punisher from 2017, and joining Tim to talk about Frank Castle taking out the corrupt in authority and society and knocking over a few bins along the way is journalist Mic Wright. What will they find to say about ‘Grumpy Q’, how good Hawkeye is at tidying up after himself and which came first out of office politics and bottle episodes, and what does any of this have to do with how long it takes Nile Rodgers to write a chorus? Get listening and find out!

You can find more editions of It’s Good, Except It Sucks at

If you enjoy It's Good, Except It Sucks, you can help to support the show by buying us a coffee here. Just don't drop the cup on the floor or Frank might not be very happy.