013 - Guardians Of The Galaxy With Tim Worthington

It’s Good, Except It Sucks is a movie by movie – and television series by television series – hurtle through the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hosted by Tim Worthington with a series of superpowered guests.

This time it’s Guardians Of The Galaxy from 2014, and this time Tim's joining Phil Catterall to talk about the most blows traded over a not exactly top of the range Walkman in the cosmos. What will they find to say about Scott Pilgrim's Weather Forecasting skills, how to fit a Kree into a drawer and Groot and Jimmy Woo's smackdown with Sleet-o (The Living Sleet), and what does any of this have to do with how often the Defenders Of The Earth fell over? Get listening and find out!

You can find more editions of It's Good, Except It Sucks at http://timworthington.org/.

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