097 - A Selection of Shorts
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is joined by Paul Morris for another dip outside the regular remit, as they enjoy a selection of short films - surreal Spanish thriller La Cabina, animated fable Peace on Earth, public information horror Apaches and Laurel and Hardy comedy Men O'War.

Along the way they discuss the first ever DVD commentary, Donald Duck in Nazi Germany, public information LARPing and a joke that works on visual, verbal and conceptual levels.

Below are some of the film’s discussed during the programme.


072 - Targets
Cinema Limbo

Jeremy is joined by audio scriptwriter Paul Morris for a study of 1968 suspense thriller Targets, co-written and directed by Peter Bogdanovich and starring Boris Karloff in one of his final roles. Their discussion covers such topics as low-budget postmodernism, colour cues, editing as storytelling and PG Wodehouse.

Featured below is the video mentioned in the podcast that breaks down the editing in a single scene of Bohemian Rhapsody.